Chapter 16

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“What is the meaning of this? How dare you? This is against the law! I demand an immediate halt to these proceedings!”, yelled Headmistress Seo.

The Wizengamot had turned into a shouting fest as Ministry staff argued over the use of the Veritaserum potion. Most were outraged that Jongmin had violated Y/n’s basic citizen rights but some others defended it, saying that they needed more information than what Y/n was providing and that he could be a security threat.

“How can you do this? You’re not allowed to force someone with Veritaserum in a court session!” yelled Joohyun.

“Hold your tongue student. You aren’t permitted to speak!” yelled Jongmin.

“I’ll speak if I want to you fat gigolo!” yelled Joohyun.

“What did you call me?”

“I said you’re a fat gigolo!”

Both Jongmin and Joohyun started to pull out their wands and that caused almost everyone else, students included to draw theirs.

“Order! Order!”

The Minister banged his gavel on the table, trying to restore order.

Suddenly, a bright flash of light filled the room and everyone was blinded.

“Everyone put your wands down!” yelled Headmistress Seo.

The Wizengamot occupants stared at each other before lowering their wands and taking their seats.

“Enough! I’ll allow it,” said the Minister to the shock of all. “But if the questions are out of line, Professor Taeyeon will cover his mouth to prevent Y/n from speaking. Watch it Jongmin, go too far and I’ll throw you out of here. We need more information to determine if the original Werewolves are a threat to Wizarding society. I will allow it on an emergency basis.”

Headmistress Seo and the students were outraged, but they had no choice.

Joohyun stared at Y/n with worry, afraid that Jongmin would twist something he said to his advantage. She couldn’t let that happen! But she was powerless to stop him. The Minister had allowed the session to go on.

She glared at them murderously. If she got her hands on them…….

“Why did you attack the Death Eaters, was it to taste human flesh?”

“No,” answered Y/n slowly as he tried to resist the truth potion.

“Then why?”

“I… I cou…. couldn’t let them harm my friends…. Especially…. He …. Her,” said Y/n as he tried to stop himself.

“Who is her?”

“J ….. Joo….Joo ….” Said Y/n trying his absolute best to stop himself.

“Who is it?”, pressed Jongmin.

“Joohyun,” said Y/n, unable to resist anymore.

“As in Bae Joohyun? The one in this room?”


Joohyun’s heart soared at the revelation, he had used his Werewolf form to specifically protect her. The warm feeling within her swelled again and she found herself wanting to go over and hug him. She controlled herself, although the happiness within her ran amok.

“Why?” asked Jongmin.

Despite Joohyun not wanting the session to continue with Y/n drugged, she couldn’t help but yearn to hear the answer to that question.

“Because I….I…Lo…. love her” said Y/n.

A/N: And there goes Y/n’s other secret! He loves Joohyun. How will this revelation affect the trio in their friendship with each other?

How will Joohyun react to this revelation?

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