Chapter 21

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Returning to Hogwarts, the students packed their bags and prepared to turn in for the night. It would probably be a few weeks before they say each other again, but there wasn’t any choice. The brazen Death Eater attack proved that they were not to be trifled with.

Joohyun sat in the Gryffindor common room, restless at the revelations she had discovered about herself today.

She loved both Taehyung and Y/n. She knew she was going to have to choose one of them, but her mind didn’t seem ready to start the process of soul-searching.

“Start thinking after you get home, not now Joohyun,” said Jimin as if he knew what her brain was telling her.

“I have to start sooner or later,” retorted Joohyun.

“Yes. But things have been whack recently. Take the night off,” replied Jimin.

Joohyun opened her mouth to reply but Taeyhung’s voice cut in.

“Jimin is right Joohyun. Now’s not the time,” said Taehyung as he came down the stairs.

Joohyun stared at them as if they had grown two heads each, causing Taehyung to laugh.

“Joohyun, don’t rush it. When you have a clearer head, the answer will come to you,” said Taehyung.

Joohyun furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance, what did he know about when the answer would come to her?

“Take your time to decide when you’re home. If you make your decision before Hogwarts reopens, then wait till you come back to school before you tell us your decision,” said Taehyung as he gently held her hands and stroked her gently.

The three of them sat there, not saying one word. It had been a very long, rowdy day, and they were content with the silence of the common room, now devoid of any other students as night fell.

Three days later
Y/n deflected a blow from Yu Mi’s rapier and counter-thrusted with his own, but she retreated out of his effective range.

He had been practising with different swords like the rapier, side sword, sabre and arming sword during his free time in the Forbidden Forest throughout the years, often conjuring up a practice fencer with magic for that purpose. He practiced with the traditional Samgakdo sword as well, though he was generally rather proficient with it already.

Y/n hissed, irritated at the wasted opportunity and closed in. Raising his rapier into a first/prima guard stance and advanced toward her, intent on closing the distance and delivering a thrust when the opportunity arose. Yu Mi saw her chance and reacted quickly.

In one far lunge and a switch of her sword stance, she gave one quick and hard thrust. Y/n was caught off guard and tried to back up out of her reach, but it was too late. The ball end of the practice rapier slammed into the face grilles of his fencing helmet so hard that the force actually sent him stumbling backwards. Unable to control his balance, Y/n landed on his butt.

“You’re distracted. Wake up Y/n! Do you seriously think you can make it to a military intelligence unit or the frontier guard like this?” said Yu Mi with a tone of disapproval.

Yu Mi always expected the best out of him during her lessons. While she was a loving guardian, she could be harsh and demanding when they fenced.

He got up and assumed a guard stance again. Yu Mi closed in and thrusted, but this time Y/n was ready, raising his sword and constraining her blade away from himself. With a quick twitch to re-adjust his blade to the right as it constrained hers to his left, Y/n counter-thrusted into her neck. It hit.

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