Chapter 26

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Great Hall, Next Morning
The news that Joohyun and Y/n were now dating had yet to die down, and the Great Hall buzzed with mutterings and whispers about the new couple as they sat down for breakfast.

Many were still in shock, having believed that Joohyun and Taehyung would end up together. Even more puzzling was that Taehyung joined them as if nothing had happened. Many of the girls took the news joyously, more for the reason that it meant Taehyung was on the market than for Joohyun and Y/n’s newfound happiness.
A small minority had far more malicious things to say though, as many either accused Y/n of stealing his best friend’s love away or that Joohyun was playing with both of their feelings. Already, she could hear such whispered mutterings down the tables from her own Gryffindor house. Her frustration grew, wanting to confront them once and for all.

“Just ignore them Joohyun. Things will die down soon enough,” said Y/n as he held her palm and stroked to calm her down.

“How did you know what I was going to do?” asked Joohyun.

“Your shoulders are tensing and your eyebrows are furrowing. That means you’re getting angry,” replied Y/n.

Joohyun relented and continued her breakfast, hoping that he was right. The others often glared at anyone they heard untoward things from, but by and large they too ignored them and acted normally. But then again, it was a small price to pay for the happiness she had found with Y/n and it wouldn’t stop their love for one another.

After breakfast, the group left for their DADA lesson, eager to practice and get better at self-defence. The Death Eater attacks had left their indelible mark and so now students took their lessons far more seriously, not wanting to end up as victims.
Joohyun held on to Y/n as they walked, his right arm holding her by the wait protectively against himself. She was glad for his current calm composure, which influenced her to relax herself. 

She felt a finger jabbing her and she turned to see Taehyung trying to irritate her. Well he had succeeded and she hit his head to the amusement and laughter of the rest. Taehyung was really back after all.

“Well if it isn’t the two-timer,” called out a familiar irritating voice.

The group turned to see Haeun and the troublemakers.

“I’ve never two-timed anyone Haeun,” said Joohyun icily.

“Really? Last I saw, you were all lovey-dovey with Taehyung,” replied Haeun.

“We never dated Haeun. And we found out we weren’t meant for each other. I’d watch what you say,” said Taehyung.

“Don’t you feel jealous?” asked Haeun mockingly.

“A little I admit. But things are cool between the three of us. No hard feelings and there shouldn’t be any from anyone else. Its not your problem,” said Taehyung angrily.

“So the slut had still has a hold on you too huh?” said Haeun.

“What did you call me?!” yelled Joohyun.
Before she could open her mouth again, Joohyun stepped in front of her.

“I will duel you later, and you will regret those words Haeun,” said Joohyun angrily.

Grabbing Y/n, Joohyun walked her into the classroom, and started mentally and emotionally preparing herself to teach Haeun a lesson she would never forget.

DADA Lesson 
Professor Taeyeon dismissed the class to start their practice bouts, and Joohyun sought out Haeun.

“Joohyun,” called out Y/n.

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