Short Story 3

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Joohyun handed the potion vial to her customer and smiled as he left. Never did she think she would become a potioneer, but here she was at Yu Mi’s estate. Yu Mi had offered her to work part-time at her estate as an assistant potioneer to help her pass the time while Y/n was away and earn some living expenses. For Yu Mi, this meant that she wouldn’t always have to be at the front desk and could slip away to do her real job.

Honestly, she could have worked anywhere including the Ministry but she wanted to be able to spend time with Y/n whenever he was able to return. Besides, whatever she could save while working full time would not be worth much when she moved to Sanctuary anyway. She would rather earn less but be able to meet Y/n with ease. If the cross-border employment issues were resolved, she fully intended to find a job in Sanctuary, probably an administration part-time job. Another advantage was that she could meet up with the rest of her friends quite easily as well.

Joohyun would sometimes spend the night on the estate if she was too tired and also to spend some quality time with Yu Mi, getting to know her a lot better. She knew better than to ask about her missions though, knowing how secretive the military was. During the lulls of the day as they brewed large batches of potions for Yu Mi’s regular clients, they would sit and talk. Yu Mi often told her about Sanctuary to prepare her for life there once she married Y/n and moved over.

Yu Mi would also teach her basic home and survival skills expected of her as a future Sanctuary citizen. Apparently, there were even courses that she would have to undergo before or upon receiving Sanctuary citizenship that would be applicable to her case as the future wife of a military officer, such as outfield cooking, living in a military encampment on campaign and building an outdoor oven from natural materials like they did in the 18th Century Muggle world. While Y/n planned to become a military intelligence officer focused on internal or border security, he might be called for assignments that might last months or even years if need be and Joohyun would have to follow and stay with him.

Joohyun left the front desk and headed for the laboratory to see if Yu Mi needed any help, even if she had golems assisting her. She preferred it when Yu Mi was home, for when she was away, her superiors would send at least one military officer to masquerade as a replacement head potioneer until her return. Of course, the real reason was to make sure that no one, including Joohyun herself snooped around to find information about Sanctuary’s military operations in the known wizarding world.

She bypassed one of several suits of armour that adorned the room as she headed for the door. To unsuspecting visitors, they were nothing more than displays for Yu Mi to show off. In reality, they had been enchanted to stand guard, ready to attack anyone who bore the Death Eater mark or proved to be a threat. Yu Mi had specifically done this to protect Joohyun as a precaution, although Joohyun doubted that even Death Eaters would be foolish enough to attack the known household of a Sanctuary Werewolf. Impervious to the killing curse, they would prove useful in delaying Death Eaters until Yu Mi or the replacement officer got to the scene.

Entering the laboratory, she found Yu Mi at work with the golems to prepare a large batch of potions for a client as expected.

“Oh Joohyun! What are you doing here?”, asked Yu Mi.

“I just dropped by to see if you needed any help,” replied Joohyun.

Yu Mi turned towards the door and smiled, secretly happy her future-daughter-in-law came to check on her.

“No, thank you. The golems will do for now. Actually since you’re here, I wanted to ask something,” asked Yu Mi.

“What is it?”, asked Joohyun.

“I was thinking you should pick up some martial arts and weapons training. Sanctuary is quite safe but if you lose your wand in the fight, you won’t be able to defend yourself,” said Yu Mi seriously.

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