Short Story 8

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Yeri kept up a brisk pace alongside Jungkook, Sooyoung and Seokjin as they passed through the hallway, headed towards the Magical Law Enforcement Squad headquarters section. They had been summoned by Shim Changmin, a well-known maverick and daredevil leader in the Magical Law Enforcement Squad subdivision. Yeri did not know why they had been summoned, but she doubted that Changmin knew that she and the rest had decided to become hit wizards and witches. After all, they had talked about this in private and it was highly unlikely that the trainers had put listening charms around.

They rounded a corner and faced a door with a name plaque inscribed on it.

Shim Changmin

Yeri turned to face the rest, who nodded to give the go-ahead to her. She rapped her knuckles  on the door.

“Enter,” called Changmin.

They entered the room to find Changmin sitting at his desk, already having expected them. Yeri scanned the room briefly, surprised that a hit wizard of his stature owned an office that was rather spartan in appearance, with little trace of any of the opulence that filled the offices of many Ministry personnel of his stature.

“You wanted to see us sir?”, queried Yeri.

“I did,” replied Changmin.

A long silence followed before he spoke again.

“What we discuss today must not leave this room. If I hear it from the other recruits, I’ll know you talked about this understand?”, said Changmin.

Yeri and the rest nodded, understanding the implied threat behind his words.

“I’m setting up several experimental squads, with new equipment and tactics taken from law enforcement in the muggle world. As you know, our casualties have been high, so I think its time we change the way we do things around here. You four are amongst the best of your cohort and the direction I’m taking requires the best recruits willing to think differently from what other big wigs whose heads are so far stuck up their ass will say,” said Changmin.

The group shifted uncomfortably at his frankness, unsure of how to respond to his criticism of Ministry higher-ups too stubborn to see the need for change.

Changmin eyed them and laughed.

“Come on. Why the surprise? Its not as if you people have been following the rules either,” said Changmin.

Yeri opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by Changmin.

“Don’t deny it. I know the four of you are romantically involved,” revealed Changmin.

The four friends shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how he knew and panic set in. They had kept their relationships carefully and in private when they were training, secretly seeing each other on their off days. While it was not against the rules to date a fellow trainee, it was expected of them to notify trainers who would separate them in both training and squad assignments upon graduation.

“You’re lucky. I’m not here to punish you for not revealing your relationships to us. In fact, I’m counting on it to keep you all alive on duty. If all of you join, you’ll experience and understand the risks you’ll have to take in the line of duty together so I think it’ll be good for you all,” said Changmin.

Yeri breathed a sigh of relief and took a stack of proffered notes from Changmin and distributed them. They read through them before turning their attention back to him.

“This is quite revolutionary sir. You’re gonna combine magic and SWAT tactics together,” said Yeri.

“If I’m right. Its going to give us the decisive edge we need and change this nonsensical “duelling culture” around here. We’ll have the tactics and the equipment to do the job right and with less casualties. The big wigs look on my plan in revulsion, thinking it unseemly we borrow tactics from the muggles, but if we don’t adapt, we’re going to lose and I’m tired of losing and reading about dead law enforcement personnel day in and out. So what do you say?”, asked Changmin.

Yeri looked back at the rest of the assembled group. No words passed between them, but their eyes told her they were on the same page. Changmin never said it, but he had cornered them. He knew of their relationships and that would be detrimental for them if they refused his offer. Then again, they all wanted to be hit wizards and witches anyway and getting a better chance of winning and coming back alive? What more convincing did they need?

The rest nodded to Yeri and she turned back to Changmin.

“We’re in,” she said.

A/N: Yeri and gang have made their choice, and soon they'll be part of a historic revolution in the known Wizarding world.

I felt that just sticking to the lore would be boring and I wanted to do something special for Yeri, Sooyoung, Seokjin and Jungkook.

As always, comments are welcome and don't worry, we'll be back with Joohyun and Y/n soon.

Since Y/n is in training, their lives are separated and so there's not much to write but I'll make up for that in the future.

As always comments are welcome.

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