Eighteen. Did you forget?

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Chapter eighteen.
Season 3 episode 11
"Alpha pact"

Season 3 episode 11"Alpha pact"

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ISAAC SLAMS the breaks quicker than Kaitlin can register, the car coming to an abrupt stop

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ISAAC SLAMS the breaks quicker than Kaitlin can register, the car coming to an abrupt stop. The passengers of the car, more specifically, Kaitlin holding onto the dash.

"Are you trying to give me whiplash?!"

Isaac sighs, giving Kaitlin a knowing look before glancing around the parking lot "you see the twins?"

"Depends what twins you're talking about" Kodin mumbles, Kaitlin laughs lightly. Isaac only sighs. Kaitlin shakes her head, turning to Isaac.

"No, no sign of the alpha twins"

"But I see the argents" Peter adds, his eyes straight ahead. The passengers and driver all follow his line of vision. Alison and Chris sneak out from behind an ambulance.

Suddenly a howl pierces the night, halting Alison and Chris, Kaitlin furrows her brows. "What was that?"

Isaac listens to the Argent's conversation, glancing at Kaitlin "a retreat"

Isaac watches as Alison and Chris hurry towards them, a thought coming to mind. "Not to bring up uncomfortable memories, but wasn't the last time you saw them the time you killed Kate and they burned you alive? Hmm?"

"Uh..." Isaac and Kaitlin turn towards the backseat at Kodin's voice. The side door was open and the seat, previously occupied by Peter was now empty. "Wuss"

"Come on" the three teens jump out of the car to meet the father and daughter. "Where are the others?"

"I don't know. "Isaac starts. Alison glanced at the witch. "Scott and Stiles went back for Derek and Jennifer. We had to get Cora out"

Headlights shine towards the group, Derek's cruiser racing out of the darkness. It skids to a halt, the alpha jumping out quickly, without a glance.

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