Fifty Six. Letters and liars

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Chapter fifty six
season 4 episode 8
"Time of death"
(Part two)

⋅•⋅⊰•☽༓☾•⊱⋅•⋅Chapter fifty sixseason 4 episode 8"Time of death"(Part two)⋅•⋅⊰•☽༓☾•⊱⋅•⋅

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"ISAAC JUST TEXTED ME"Kodin practically sprinted into the living room, where Kaitlin was sat on the sofa, a book rested on her legs, and an episode of Greys anatomy playing on the Tv

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"ISAAC JUST TEXTED ME"Kodin practically sprinted into the living room, where Kaitlin was sat on the sofa, a book rested on her legs, and an episode of Greys anatomy playing on the Tv.

"And I'm supposed to care, why?" She didn't look up from the book, a disgusted look resting on her face. Kodin laughs dryly.

"You'll care about this"

Turning his phone towards his sister, Kaitlin's eyes focused on the message from their adopted brother.

Scott's dead.

"What?!" She sits up frantically. The book dropping from her lap. "That has to be some sick joke? Right?!"

"I don't know, should I text back?"


Kodin flinched, nodding his head and raising his hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay, sorry"

"Never mind, I've got something better"

Pulling out her phone, Kaitlin pulls up Jamie's name and dials her number. It rings once before the werewolf answers.


"What the hell is going on?"

"We're at the hospital, we're trying to lure the benefactor to us"


"It's a really stupid idea, I told them not to do it"

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