Thirty five. Words unspoken

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Chapter thirty-five:
Season 3 Episode 20:
"Echo House"
Part one.

➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶Chapter thirty-five:Season 3 Episode 20:"Echo House"Part one

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It was quite late, she'd been sat in her living room when she got the call, nursing one hell of a nightshade hangover

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It was quite late, she'd been sat in her living room when she got the call, nursing one hell of a nightshade hangover. How the hell had he known that it was poisonous to her, she didn't even know it was poisonous to her.

Nightshade wasn't universally deadly towards witches but apparently witches of her bloodline could be weakened by it. New knowledge for her and Kodin.

Her mother had admitted that she lacked in teaching her kids certain things about their past and bloodline...but she was working on it.

She was slowly falling asleep when her phone blared, Scott's name lighting the screen and the information he had for her woke her right up.

So now, she was driving her car, having picked up Scott on the way and driving towards Beacons hills own asylum. Eichen House.

Kaitlin shook her head as they approached the large building. The two figures walking towards it. Kaitlin stopped her car, jumping out quickly as Scott followed suit.

Stiles and Noah watched the pair of supernaturals approach them.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asked.

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this." Noah stated with a sad look.

Stiles glanced at her, just a glance, almost like he was afraid to look for too long, afraid he'd hurt her in some way. He sighed.

"It's only 72 hours"

"This is the same place where barrow came from" Kaitlin mumbled, not looking away from him, and finally he looked at her, all the hurt in his eyes made her heart break. "The guy had a tumor inside him filled with flies"

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