Thirty seven. Sealing my faith.

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Chapter thirty-seven:
Season 3 Episode 23:
Part one

➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶Chapter thirty-seven:Season 3 Episode 23:"Insatiable"Part one

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"I told you already, I'm okay" Isaac's voice filled Kaitlin's ears, the beta reassuring his best friend once again

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"I told you already, I'm okay" Isaac's voice filled Kaitlin's ears, the beta reassuring his best friend once again.

"No pain at all? And your burns?"

"All gone. Look Katie you need to stop worrying okay?" Isaac said. Kaitlin sighed, hesitation in her sights.
  "Yeah....fine. If you say so"

"Let me know what happens with Stiles and I'll call you if anything happens" his voice was soft. He knew Kaitlin had a habit of overreacting and worrying herself about others, so he tried reassure her to the best of his ability.

"And Katie"


"Thank you. For everything, it means a lot to know I wasn't alone"

Kaitlin smiled, her anxiety lessening slightly. "You're my best friend, Isaac. You're not alone in anything anymore."

After a few more words, the pair of friends said goodbye and hung up the phone. Kaitlin sighed, placing her phone in her back pocket and turning towards her brother.

"Deaton's done, Isaac said and I quote 'felt like he was pulling out my stomach' but they're okay"

Kodin smiled lightly, sitting on one of the sofas in the living room, his mind elsewhere.

"Hey" Kaitlin sat next to him. "We're gonna find her"

"I know I just..." Kaitlin grabbed Kodins hand, giving it a light squeeze. She nodded her head in understanding. "I know"

Kaitlin watched Scott walk towards the front door, hearing it open and then close a few seconds later, followed by two sets of footsteps.

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