⋅•⋅⊰•☽༓☾•⊱⋅•⋅ Chapter forty-three season 4 episode 1 "The dark moon" (Part three) ⋅•⋅⊰•☽༓☾•⊱⋅•⋅
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"Kodin, i swear to god if you keep kicking me..."
"It's not my fault i'm taller than you...ow! dude, what was that for"
"oh my god, shut up!" Kaitlin rubbed her temple, the boys bickering giving her a headache.
The pack had to cram into Stiles' jeep once again for the journey to the Church. It wasn't ideal that the pack had grown past the capacity of Roscoe now. So the seating arrangement was definitely not legal.
Scott road shotgun next to Stiles up front, leaving Kaitlin, Lydia, Kira and Malia to squeeze into the back seats. However, they still had two abnormally tall boys to fit into the equation, so...that left Kodin and Isaac to cram into the trunk of the jeep. The boys hadn't stopped bickering since they had took off and it was getting annoying.
"Who's idea was it to put them together again?" Lydia whispered from next to Kaitlin, cramming herself in the middle with Malia. Kira and Kaitlin taking the window seats.
"you think this is bad? try living with them" Kaitlin sighed.
"Hey Katie, you wanna swap seats??" Issac remarked, leaning forward, closer to Kaitlin.
Kaitlin only pushed at his head, sending him back to his place in the trunk. From the front seat, Stiles checked his rear mirror, watching the exchange between the pair with curious eyes.
"okay, i'm gonna ask." Malia spoke up after a beat "who's Kate Argent?" The were-coyote leaned forward in her seat, looking between Scott and Stiles.
"Uh, I'd like to know, too..." Kira spoke up hesitantly, raising her hand awkwardly.
"Wasn't she related to Chris?" Kodin added quietly to Isaac, who nodded.