Thirteen. True alpha

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Chapter thirteen:
Season 3 episode 7
Part two.

Chapter thirteen:Season 3 episode 7"Currents"Part two

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UNDER THE EXAMINING rooms overhead light, Cora, Kaitlin and Lydia watch Stiles and Scott gather Danny's work on the steel table

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UNDER THE EXAMINING rooms overhead light, Cora, Kaitlin and Lydia watch Stiles and Scott gather Danny's work on the steel table. Kaitlin had stopped home while they had gone to the hospital, grabbing her phone

Now she texted with her brother. He let her know that their mom was okay and that he'd meet her later. She sighed as she locked the phone. Her mind ran a million miles, but she decided to try and focus on finding her uncle.

"Okay, so what does this kids homework have to do with finding Deaton" Cora questioned.

"Because it's not just homework, okay? It's a project on geo-magnetic fields. They flow through the earth and can even be affected by lunar phases. Look at this. It's a note from Harris on Danny's proposal."

Stiles shows them Danny's proposal page where teacher's notes have been written in red pen. Lydia reads it aloud.

"Danny, I strongly advise you to choose another subject. The ideas here, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudoscience. Not suitable for class." She quietly reads out, looking up to her friends.

"Harris wasn't just a sacrifice. He
knew something." Scott realized, he always knew something was up with Harris, he was weird and just seemed really sketchy.

"Now check this out. Allison's dad
wasn't the only one with a map." Stiles unfolds a normal road map of Beacon Hills. Strange wavy lines have been marked all over it.

"Danny marked the telluric currents.
And the weird thing about Beacon Hills is that it literally is a beacon. There's tons of energy surging through the earth around this town." Kaitlin stares and studies the map

"Look, they match." All eyes focus on the two maps. Kaitlin grabs a black marker. Using the symbols on Argent's map, she puts down marks on Danny's map.

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