Sixteen. No rest for the wicked

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Chapter sixteen.
Season 3 episode 10
"The overlooked"
Part one

 Season 3 episode 10"The overlooked"Part one

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KAITLIN SAT in the waiting room of beacon hills hospital, new and fresh stitches itching against her hand

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KAITLIN SAT in the waiting room of beacon hills hospital, new and fresh stitches itching against her hand. Paper stitches to stop the bleeding from her head.

Scott had to practically drag Stiles and Kodin out of the hospital to talk to Derek, Kaitlin and Natalie reassuring them that the witch would be fine.

Her mother had just finished her stitches when the storm had picked up, rain was pouring hard outside as the wind blew. She insisted in helping her mother evacuate the hospital but the older witch refused, telling Kaitlin to take it easy for a while as she hit her head pretty hard. She hadn't seen her mother in a while but she was sure that she was busy

Chaos was erupting in the hospital and she just observed. Her brows raising when she heard Melissa McCall's voice.

"Scott, Scott!" The nurse ran up to her son, who stood with Stiles, Derek, Kodin and Jennifer, all very wet. "What are you doing here? The hospitals evacuating"

"We're here for Cora." Scott spoke. Kaitlin raised from her seat, sighing and making her way over "what? All of you?"

"Why does Stiles have a bat?" Kaitlin's voice broke the conversation, all eyes snapping to her, Melissa gave her a stern look.

"You're supposed to be resting" Melissa began to scold the girl, who smiled sheepishly at her godmother.

"Just trust me on this. You need to get out of here, both of you." Melissa and Kaitlin looked back to Scott. "Right now"

Melissa swallowed hard, glancing at the four behind Scott "the building is supposed to be clear in 30 minutes. We've got two ambulances that are coming back. Ones 10 minutes out the others 20. Cora needs to be in one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage." Scott nodded his head, moving to walk away. Kaitlin moved to follow him, he shook his head and Melissa grabbed her arm.

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