Twenty three. Still milking that?

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Chapter twenty three:
Season 3 episode 13:
Part two

➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶Chapter twenty three:Season 3 episode 13:"Anchors"Part two

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After school, Lydia had dragged Kaitlin along with her and Alison to the woods, explaining how Alison had been having trouble, her hands uncontrollably shaking at the worst times

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After school, Lydia had dragged Kaitlin along with her and Alison to the woods, explaining how Alison had been having trouble, her hands uncontrollably shaking at the worst times.

Lydia called for archery training in the woods! Exciting...

The strawberry blonde stuck a target sheet to a tree, turning back around and walking towards the two girls who stood a bit away watching.

Alison grabbed her bow from the ground "do you really think this is gonna help?"

"I know that if you think it's not gonna help, it definitely won't..." the banshee spoke, reaching the two girls, Kaitlin tilted her head, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Does that count as a double negative?" She mumbled, Lydia shook her head at the witch.

Lydia cleared her throat, rubbing her hands together "so get your head into it. Shoot a few and see what happens..."

Alison glanced at her two friends before aiming her bow, now loaded with an arrow. Her hands shake as she aims, trying her hardest to focus. With a breath, she released the arrow, it landing in the ground beside the tree.

Alison sighs. Looking to the girls again. Lydia watches the arrow with an uncertain look.

"Maybe you were nervous, try it again" Kaitlin states, handing Alison another arrow with a supportive smile. Alison hesitated before taking the arrow, appreciating the gesture.

"Steady your breath first, don't think about it too much"

Alison takes another breath before aiming her arrow, trying to clear her mind. Lydia watches in anticipation as Alison fires the arrow, again missing the target.

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