Twenty. What if you don't come back?

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Chapter twenty.
Season 3 episode 11
"Alpha pact"

Season 3 episode 11"Alpha pact"

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"ITS THE NEMETON" Stiles opened the door to the guidance counselor office, ushering both girls and Kodin out, closing it after him

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"ITS THE NEMETON" Stiles opened the door to the guidance counselor office, ushering both girls and Kodin out, closing it after him.

"That's where she's keeping them. It has to be" he continues his explanation of his realization. The three teens listening intently.

"Stilinski!" The voice of a familiar FBI agent called out for Stiles, grabbing the attention of the four.

"Awh crap" Stiles rolled his eyes, glancing at the twins and Lydia "hold on, isn't that?"

"Yeah, listen, go to Derek, okay?" He speaks, turning away from agent McCall. "He and Peter, they've been there before so they'll know where it is. Tell them it's the root cellar, all right? They'll know"

Kodin and Lydia moved to head out of the school, while Kaitlin hesitated. She glanced past Stiles and the FBI agent that approached. "You sure you wanna face him alone?"

Stiles turns back to look at the girl, seeing something in her eyes. Stiles nods "I'll be fine, I'll call you okay?" He held her arm, the girl sighing and nodding her head before following after her twin brother and best friend.


Kaitlin had jumped into Kodins car, sitting shotgun while Lydia sat in the back, quickly driving towards Derek's loft.

The drive was silent. Kaitlin texting on her phone rapidly. Like hell was she gonna leave Stiles by himself with that asshole

He was an ass. Even in her childhood, she remembered him being an ass. And now hearing how he'd been speaking to Stiles while his father was missing, it boiled her blood.

But she knew Stiles wouldn't want her babying him, so she did what she though was the next best
thing. She texted her uncle.

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