19 ~ Heir

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This chapter and the next will both be specials. Enjoy!


Marc closed his eyes letting out a sigh he turned to the side watching his best friend sleeping. Hearing Shay's soft snores, he smiled gently moving an arm, entwining his fingers in Shay's dark locks.

Shay groaned feeling someone playing with his hair. Opening his eyes, he glared tiredly at Marc who laughed but continued to play with his hair.

"Morning lazy,"

"G'morning ugly," Shay grumbled, looking at the clock, seeing that it was six in the morning.

"Really! It's so earrrrlyyyy," Shay whined, moving to lay on his stomach, blowing some of his bangs off his face. Marc laughed at the childish behavior as he started to message Shay's scalp, earning a sigh from the other.

"Happy Birthday,"

"Ugh, it's today? Damn, I'm getting old,"

"You're like a year older than me!" Marc smacked Shay on his head, laughing, "You know they'd make it if they could."

"Yeah, I know."

"Let's get up! I got to turn in my assignment today," Marc stated, moving to get up. Shay opened his eyes, looking up at Marc.

"Buuut Marccccc~ I don't wanna be lonely," Shay whined.

Marc smiled, "text Luka he has three classes today." Marc stated, "and before you ask me how I know, we share one of those classes together so we kinda told each other our schedules," he shrugged.

"Oh, boo you're no fun!"

"Who said I was?"

Shay stuck his tongue out, watching Marc head into the bathroom and get ready for the day. He moved his lazy butt off the bed and to the kitchen, starting breakfast for two.

"That smells good," Marc said, entering the kitchen after he finished, with a towel drying his hair.

Shay shot him a playful glare, "well duh! I made it. Better than what you can do."

"Hey! No need to get defensive," Marc pouted.

"Still. It's true."

Marc groaned, hoping on the counter as Shay gave him his plate with bacon and eggs and toast on the side.

"Thanks," Marc mumbled, digging in.

Shay shrugged playing his own plate before leaning against the counter next to Marc and eating.

"We really are goofballs deciding to eat breakfast standing up and sitting on the counter,"

"When have we ever been normal?" Marc asked, taking a bite of his toast.

"True, true."

"Sooo... When do your classes start?" Shay asked.

Marc rolled his eyes, placing his plate down on the countertop.

"In about an hour why?"

"Can I come with you to school? I mean I want to look around if it doesn't bother you?"

Marc smiled, "sure. But before you do I gotta warn you. There's this girl named Lila who always spills lies, don't listen to a word that comes out of that mouth."

Shay saluted, "roger roger."

"Really?" Marc raised an eyebrow. Shay laughed and nodded.

"Well let's get ready then."

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