18- Colors

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The drive to the park was surprisingly quiet. Mostly like the first time Nathaniel got into Marc's car.

"We arrived," announced. Both Nathaniel and Shay looked at each other and smiled. Opening the door Nathaniel walked out of the car.

"That felt like a lifetime," Shay stretched.

Marc smacked him on his head, "Oh shut it you big goof."

"Make me I dare you," Shay challenged.

Marc eyed him he let out a sigh in annoyance, "I rather have Luka make you,"

Shay shrugged shaking his head, "Yeah better idea. I'd rather not have you shut me up," Shay pointed at him and smiled, "besides you'd probably run me over with a car. Not worth losing my life,"

Nathaniel's eyes grew wide, "WHAT?!"

Both Shay and Marc turned to him then looked at each other, bursting out in laughter.

"I...I was j-just kidding, haha!" Shay laughed.

"I wouldn't ever hurt this doofus!" Marc stuttered, "I'd rather give my own life,"

Both continue laughing for about a minute leaving Nathaniel dazed.

He really didn't know what to do with the two of them. Shay and Marc were...unique.

Nathaniel let out a chuckle, "you two really are very...special huh?"

Shay brightened up, "Course we are just two peas in a pod!"

Marc rolled his eyes and Nathaniel smiled.

"Hey, guys! Over here!"

All three turned and saw the group of friends who have decided to tag along.

They made their way towards the group Shay getting a high five from Adrien.

"Is this everyone?" Marc asked, politely.

The group consisted of Adrien, Marinette, Nino, Chloe, Sabrina, Max, Kim, Juleka, Rose, Alya, and finally Luka.

"Yea this is everyone who wanted to hang!" Kim said.

"I would've been doing something better if a certain someone didn't force me to come," Chloe said looking at her nails.

The group let out a groan, "yeah right Chloe. I'm pretty sure no one forced you more like they insisted on you coming," Alya pointed out.

"And who would that be?"

Max smiled, "Sabrina,"

Chloe turned red then huffed and looked away, "whatever."

Alya let out a laugh, one hand on her hip, "well so what are you waiting for? Who wants to have some fun?"

Everyone threw their hands up in the air, well besides Marc, Nathaniel, Shay, and Luka who all had a goofy smile on.

"Alright then let's go!" Adrien shouted.


"Hey, Nathaniel can I talk to you?" Marc asked. They had been playing hide and seek but with a twist. Whoever was tagged had to say one thing that was embarrassing about themselves while running around trying to find the others.

"Um...y...yeah?" Nathaniel replied with a question when he really didn't mean to.

Currently, Marc and Nathaniel were hiding behind some trees, which in their case, covered up most of the field they were in.



"What is it? Is something wrong?"

Will Our Love Be Seen? {Marc x Nathaniel}Where stories live. Discover now