8- 20 questions

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"Who starts?"

All three look at one another. They all decided to play rock, paper, and scissors which led to Nathaniel being the winner. Shay came in second then, sadly, Marc in third.

"Ugh! Fine, I'll ask the first question." Marc groaned, thinking about something easy to start off.

"Shay this one's for you." Shay nodded, readying himself for the question that was about to be asked. "Did you have any past relationships the last two years we didn't see each other?" Marc asked, curious. Shay immediately turned red.



Shay nodded, clearing his throat, "My turn." He looks at Nathaniel, "Any crushes?" Nathaniel shoots him a glare as he blushes. He nods but doesn't say any more.

This got Marc jealous. He wanted to know who Nathaniel liked. But being Marc he shook his head, pushing the thought to the very back of his head.

"M-My turn." Nathaniel turned to look at Marc, "What are your hobbies?"

"Hmm...Mostly writing stories here and there." Marc answered. 

"Alright my turn!" Shay excitedly said. "Hmm, Marc."


"why are you so shy?" 

Marc looked at Shay, "Why are you so annoying?" 

Shay pouted, "No seriously why?" 

Marc sighed, "Well growing up I was anti-social and didn't know how to socialize to the point where I build a bubble around me and became shy to those who barely knew me and hyper as heck to those who do." 

"Anti-social? Wow, I just learned something new today!" Shay pointed out.

Marc smirked and continued the game. It lasted about an hour or so before it got boring and they were just sitting in the Starbucks café, playing games on their phones. At around four in the afternoon, they finally decided to move their lazy butts and head back to Marc's place for the night, although Nathaniel had to call his parents reassuring them that he'll be at Marc's for the night; they gladly agreed.

"Let's watch a movie!" Shay stated as he plopped down tiredly on Marc's couch. Nathaniel laughed, "sure why not. Any suggestions?"

"Sure why not just make yourself at home while you leave the owner of the apartment out," Marc stated with a smile.

Shay shrugged, "not our fault you wanted us to stay over."

Marc glared at Shay."I could kick you out and make you sleep with the dogs outside."

"No, you wouldn't."

"How much you wanna bet?"

"Guys! C'mon let's watch something and not bicker like teenage girls." Nathaniel whined too tired to keep his shy posture making Shay and Marc eye him before chuckling.

"I guess the tomato is right," Shay stated.

"Tomato? Again seriously..." Nathaniel sighs, messing with his reddish hair.

Shay laughed at his response and put on a movie called, Jumanji before sitting back down on the couch.

10 minutes into the movie and everything started to get weird.

"So let me get this straight," Shay waved his hand in the air, "Jack Black is a girl? WHAT!? That's just weird!"

"I can't believe a scrawny kid became the Dwane Johnson! DWANE JOHNSON!" Marc yelled out.

Will Our Love Be Seen? {Marc x Nathaniel}Where stories live. Discover now