20~ Promise

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This update is long. I hope you enjoy it!

"It's getting late," Shay said to himself. After his phone call ended he had taken a nap and woken up just a few moments ago. Rubbing his eyes and stretching, he grabbed his phone.

5 missed calls

3 missed messages

Shay groaned. It was six in the afternoon and he knew Marc was starting to worry or is worrying like some mother.

He made sure to click on Marc's name, hearing the phone ring three times before Marc picked up.


"Please tell me you weren't kidnapped?"

Shay could hear the concern in his friend's voice. He chuckled, "no I'm fine. I'm at the hideout."

"Thank god. I was worried." A few seconds ticked by before Marv started to talk again.

"Shay...I'm  sorry."

Shay groaned, looking up at the sunset, "don't be it's my fault."

"It's just... I know that every year on your birthday it triggers you. It's not your fault it happened."

"C'mon Marc you know me by now. You should know that I'm over it,"

"You may say that but we both know you aren't." A few seconds passed before Marc talked again in a small voice, "come home."

Come home

Those words meant more to Shay than anything in the world. He smiled, eyes filled with water, knowing that he wasn't alone that he had a home to return to when he needed it.

"Be there in a few,"

"Be careful...I love you,"

Shay laughed, standing up and dusting himself off, making his way out of the hideout and towards the street.

"Love you too, Marc. See you soon."


"Hello? Marc? I'm home!" Shay opened the apartment door with his spare key, but he noticed that the lights were all turned off when he entered.

"Um...helloooo? Anyone home?" He asked closing the door behind him, walking in further before the lights suddenly switched on, startled at the sudden brightness.


Jumping, Shay placed a hand over his heart smiling up at the surprise his friends had set up. There were balloons everywhere, a big one saying 'Happy Birthday' in big gold letters. There was confetti everywhere besides on the cake. When he came closer he couldn't keep the grin off his face.

"You guys!" It was so overwhelming. But in a good way. He noticed the gifts on the side as well. Waiting to be opened ever so patiently.

"We have a second surprise for you " Marc started, "come out guys!"

Two adults walked out. Both wearing suits. One with long silver hair that stopped at her lower back, green eyes that shown so beautifully they almost twinkled like gems, while the other had short black messy hair, his eyes a bright blue color that seemed to reflect the water if stared at for a long period of time.

"W-what? Wait...n-no way,"

"Happy Birthday my baby Dragon,"

"Mom! Dad!" Shay ran into his parent's open arms, hugging both of them tightly as tears slid down his cheeks. His parents smiled, hugging back even tighter.

Will Our Love Be Seen? {Marc x Nathaniel}Where stories live. Discover now