3- Untitled

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Marc had been gladly welcomed to the Art club with open arms. Yet, he still feels like he somewhat doesn't belong. See these people have known each other for so long and he's just the new student that just walked in. He feels like he shouldn't even meet people this sweet, for all he knew they could be using him and his ideas or maybe not?

Usually the nice people scared Marc because they were to nice for his liking, but he liked Marinette and wanted to get to know her more. As for Nathaniel. Well he didn't know what to do with the tomato haired boy. He felt an aching sensation towards him that he's never felt before and he's scared of what this sensation might get him into.

Sighing Marc started writing down the start of a new chapter for his story that he's been working on. He's still trying to come up with a title to go with his story, but is having trouble. Suddenly he feels a tap on his shoulder. He looks over noticing Nathaniel standing over him, reading his story silently.

"Woah Marc! Your writing sounds amazing!" The tomato hair colored boy said while sitting next to him.

"Uh... thanks." Marc smiled. "I still haven't found a title for this book." He sadly stated.

"Need help finding one?" Marc smile grew, "yes! Thank you."

Nathaniel laughed, cutely making Marc blush.


"So how's your day been?" Nathaniel asked, "I mean like you started a new school and all. How's the experience treating you?" Marc smiled closing his book and setting it on his lap. And looking around watching the kids goof around and all.

"Its been good. I'm really liking it here. Everyone is so nice and caring but that also makes me wary of things." The green eyed boy stated watching Max and Kim goof around.

Nathaniel looked at Marc, "what do you mean?"

"I don't know how to put it words..." Marc ruffled his hair before sighing, "it's just that I don't feel like I belong here. Look at everyone they're all one big family but I just feel like I'm the outcast of the school." Marc confessed. Nathaniel nervously laughed, "yeah I feel you there being the shy kid doesn't come easy, but you'll get the hang of it in no time!" Nathaniel smiled brightly letting Marc know that everything's going to be alright.

Marc brought him lime eyes and stared at Nathaniel's icy blue ones.

"You're a good friend!"


Nathaniel blushed before rubbing his arm nervously," thank you."


School had officially ended for the day and everyone was currently going home or hanging out with friends. Marc sat by himself on the stairway admiring everyone. Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder he turned seeing it was Marinette.

"Hey Marc!" She cheerfully said. Sitting beside him. "Hey Marinette!" He cheerfully replied.

"How's school for your first day?" She asked hugging her knees, cheerfully. Marc laughed gently, "it's actually not that bad. People here are really nice and diverse makes me feel at ease."

"That's good!" She smiled. "Your enjoying yourself, right?"

Marc nodded happily.

"Yeah I am. I'm thankful I have a friend like you and Nathaniel around or I'd probably make a fool of myself on the spot." He laughed. Marinette smiled, "Hey how 'bout I introduce you to Adrien my boyfriend?"


Marinette smiled. She looked up seeing Adrien walk out of a classroom, "Adrien!" She yelled out catching his attention. He waved to her and she motioned for him to come and join her.

"Hey bugaboo what's up?" He asked kissing her on the cheek. She giggled a little before answering, "meet our new student."

Adrien looked at Marc, "hey nice to finally talk to you!" He smiled, "names Adrien."

Marc laughed shyly, "yeah Marinette ralks a lot about you." Marc stated making Adrien blush from embarrassment.

"Aww my kitty is blushing!"

Marc laughed at their childish behavior. Adrien, Marinette and him talked for a while before they went their separate ways. Marc sighed, before getting up and started to walk out of the school but not before someone grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey!" Marc jumped as he turned around to see Luka, panting.

"H-Hi?" Marc looked confused at the dark haired boy.

"I caught you just in time." Luka ran a hand through his hair making the blue tips move restlessly. "Nathaniel said he wanted you to go to the art room for something." Luka stated.

Marc relaxed after hearing Nathaniels name, "r-really, um..thank yo..you." Marc bowed politely walking to the art rooms direction. Luka just looked at him before sighing, "I hope they get together soon." he muttered to himself as he walked out of the campus.

Marc soon arrived at the art room seeing that it was empty except for a certain tomato haired boy standing as he was drawing something on a wall. Marc walked in, closing the door behind him.

"Hey what did you need?" The dark haired boy asked as his lime eyes starred at the blue eyed boy.

"Oh you're here! Good!" Nathaniel rushed over to him and pulled him towards a desk. Marc noticed that he had green paint on the side of his cheek which made him look cuter than ever.

"What do you think?" Nathaniel asked. He picked up a drawing of two people one in a cat suit and one in a ladybug suit. Marc looked at them in awe as he grabbed them to examine the details even better.

"Oh wow!" Marc said, amazement played in his lime like eyes. Nathaniel blushed red as he saw Marc's reaction to his drawings.

"So...what do you think?" Marc looked up with a sparkle in his eyes and a bright smile, "you have to ask! They are amazing Nathaniel!"

"T-Thanks." Nathaniel's blush grew, "t-they are for y-your st..story."

Marc looked at him with shock in his eyes. He was so awestruck that he didn't even know what to say at that very moment.

He's probably going to deny them anyways they're not even that good...

"Um..if you don't like the character design I can make new ones." Nathaniel turned around, embarrassed. He wanted to do something special for the boy but he guessed he didn't do a good job at it.

Suddenly he felt a heavy weight on him, arms around his neck as Marc jumped on him happily.

"Yes, yes, yes!!! They are amazing Nathaniel! Thank you, thank you!!" Marc said hugging Nathaniel from the back. Nathaniel just looked at him, "Are they any good?" He asked. Marc nodded, "they are PERFECT!" Nathaniel soon grew flustered.

"Now we just need a title for the book." Marc said, letting go of Nathaniel and grabbing his bag to take out his book that currently read 'Untitled' and place it on the long table.

Nathaniel came and walked beside him, "you'll think of something." He placed a hand on the boys shoulder.

"I hope its soon!" He laughed.
A/N: new update! Sorry for taking so long. I am on break right now so I'll have more time to write. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, until next time!


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