17- Chance

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"Hey, Marc! So how's the assignment going for building your own Pantheon?" Adrien asked.

"I actually finished yesterday during clubs, how about you?" Marc replied.

Adrien pouted, shrugging his shoulders, "I just need one more to go," he sighed.

"Marinette, Nino did you guys finish?" Adrien asked his other two friends who were placing their things in the lockers.

"Yeah, I finished yesterday during clubs as well!" Marinette smiled, making her way to her boyfriend and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Nino rolled his eyes at his best mate, smiling, "Nah bro, I still need a few more to go then I'll be done,"

Adrien laughed, pulling Marinette in by the waist and placing his chin on her shoulder, "well it's due tomorrow so you better get it done," he replied to his friend, placing a kiss on Marinette's cheek as well.

"How about you Nathaniel? Finished yet?" Marc asked, placing an arm around the redhead's shoulders, earning a small blush that Marc noticed, which made him smile.

"Y-Yeah finished it a while ago," Nathaniel nervously said.

"Well, then how bout we go to the park to hang out," Adrien requested, "we can finish our work then have fun afterward, how about it?"

"Can I bring Shay along?" Marc asked, nervously.

Marinette smiled and looked at Adrien as he nodded, "yeah, I really like him,"

Marc smiled moving away from Nathaniel, sending a text to Shay.

"You coming?" Marc asked Nathaniel.

"Um, s-sure,"

Marc smiled brightly, "great!"

"Okay, so when classes are done let's all meet up at the park, deal?"

"Deal!" They all said in unison.


"Your back!" Shay jumped on Marc, throwing him off balance, bringing both of them down.

Nathaniel nervously laughed feeling like he's gotten used to their weird antics.

"Geeze Shay," Marc started, rubbing the back of his head, "maybe give me a warning before you keep doing that,"

Shay faced Marc, pulling out his tongue in a childish way, making Marc push his face away.

"Nathaniel help me~" Marc whined when Shay decided to jump up on him again.

"Maybe I should just..." He was interrupted when he felt himself being dragged down. Shay had pounced on him, making Marc laugh.

"S-Shay! No...no more! Haha!" Shay laughed as he began to tickle Nathaniel's sides.

"Hah, I win! Now take your punishment," he brought his hands up, wiggling his fingers before going back in, tickling Nathaniel.

"MARC! H-Help meeeeee! HAHA NO! STOP!" Nathaniel stuttered out, laughing nonstop. He could feel his sides begin to ache from all the painful laughing and tickling.

Marc was crying of laughter next to Shay, who was still tickling Nathaniel, on the floor.

"S-Shay I think t-that's enough," Marc panted heavily, wiping a tear away.

Shay moved his hands away, sitting back, leaning on his hands for support as he looked at the ceiling and let out a small laugh.

Marc laid on the floor with his face facing the ceiling, his eyes closed and his chest moving up and down from trying to breathe.

Nathaniel laid on his side, making sure that one of his arms was covering his side that wasn't on the floor. He breathed in heavily after what Shay had put him through, he could barely move a leg.

"I feel like death," Nathaniel whined out, having in some much-needed air back into his lungs.

"You got that right," Marc replied, eyes still closed.

Shay lowered himself so he was also laying on his back like Marc, "I'm so exhausted from all that laughing,"

"Here, here," Nathaniel replied, moving his arm just enough to land a weak punch on Shay's shoulder.

"I think we should just rest, ya know," Marc gasped out.

"Yeah," Nathaniel replied. Shay nodding his head. His eyes already closed with an arm over them.

"Hey, Shay,"


"Wanna hang out with Adrien, Marinette, and Nino? We're going to the park in a bit,"

Shay sat up, leaning forward, "hmm, is Luka going to be there?"

Marc rolled his eyes and sat up as well, running a hand through his dark hair, "I think Adrien may invite him but who knows maybe,"

Shay hummed, "sure then, I'll come along. Let me have a chance to get to know your friends a little more!" He smiled.

"Of course, just don't embarrass me," Marc warned.

"Me? Embarrass you? Never," Shay innocently said.

"But I may tell them that one time where you go so scared you cr-" Marc jumped up, placing both hands on Shay's mouth.

"Shut it!" Marc glared.

Nathaniel sat up as well and looked at the two, "what happened?" He asked.

Marc turned red, shaking his head, "n-nothing happened okay!"

"Okay?" Nathaniel got up and dusted himself off, "I'll just meet you two outside the door," he pointed, "that is whenever you two are done bickering like children," he walked to the door hearing a muffled yell and Marc scream "We are not bickering!" He laughed, opening the door and leaning against the wall just outside.

"So that happened," Shay said. Getting up as well followed by Marc.


"Hm?" Marc tilted his head to the side.

"So when are you going to tell him you want to be more than friends?" Shay asked, glancing at Marc.

Marc sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "well I sorta...hinted it?" He said it as a question. Which made Shay let out a small laugh.

"Oh you poor unfortunate soul," Shay replied.

"Seriously?" Marc question. Shay shrugged.

"Look just tell him, I know you like him very much and I can see he likes you to so..." Shay walked up to Marc, pulling him into a hug, "just tell him. I want you happy,"

Marc relaxed in his friend embrace, lifting a hand up and placing it on Shays back, "yeah ok, but you too. You know you need the happiness as much as me," Marc pulled back flicking Shay on his forehead.

"Owie!" Shay rubbed his forehead, "that huuuuurt~" he whined.

Marc laughed, "come on let's go, Nathaniel is waiting and so is everyone else,"

Shay smiled, nodding.



A/N: So this chapter was shorter than expected, but anyways hi there! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. I can't believe College starts back up again in only a few days and I'm so NOT read for it. I hope I can make it through this year.

This chapter took longer to write than expected. I'll just say this I kinda forgot out it for a while until later. But all in all, I really like how Nathaniel can sometimes be himself and let loose around Marc and Shay but also be his shy precious self. I really want Marc and Nathaniel together but can't rush it.

Also, Shay...do you think he'll finally except a chance at happiness that he so desperately wants, or will he refused it? I'm just asking for opinions on the matter.

Until the next time!


Will Our Love Be Seen? {Marc x Nathaniel}Where stories live. Discover now