truth or dare

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Emily's POV
"Em?" I heard.

"Emily?" I felt my hand get squeezed.

It was JJ

I was sitting with the team in the conference room. Everyone was there but Penelope. She was looking through some video, I wasn't really paying attention.

"Emily this is not your fault. We will find him." JJ told me. I nodded and she pulled me into a hug.

After what felt like hours, we had something. One of Ian's men had been seen by Declan's school at least four times.

"Can you find him?" Hotch asked Penelope. "I'm looking now. His last known location was at the Central City bank downtown." She said. "Let's go. Emily, do you want to come?" He asked. I quickly nodded. I need to find Declan.

We arrived at the bank and sent an agent in, comms were working.

"He's got hostages in here." I heard him say. "He's asking for a girl named Lauren."

Fuck. I looked back at Hotch and JJ watching the banks cameras. "We can't do that. She isn't okay Hotch. She will get killed in there." JJ tried pleading.

She's going to kill me. I started rushing toward the bank doors. JJ screamed at me and I think tried to run after me.

All of a sudden Emily was walking towards the bank. I screamed and tried to follow. I ran past a police car as someone grabbed my waist. I tried kicking my way out but they wouldn't let go.

"JJ stop. We can't stop her." Derek was repeating in my ear. I kept fighting. Emily was already through the doors when I calmed down.

"You have to let me go in. Please. Let me go in with her." I pleaded. Elle grabbed my hand. "We can't. We have to trust Emily knows what she's doing." She whispered, her face softening.

"I can't lose her."

I love Emily but right now she isn't in the right state of mind. She barely talked back at the office and now she is in with a killer.

Emily's POV
"Lauren, you changed your hair. Get down." The man said, I didn't recognize him, but I obeyed. I looked around the bank to see how many people were there.

The tellers and customers were sitting organized by gender. The few children there were in their own group. Declan was sitting in a chair, gun to his head. He has gotten so big.

"Let them go. Whatever you are planning to do, do to me." I said holding up my hands. He smirked. "Do you remember me Lauren?" He asked. I racked my brain for the smallest memory of him.

"I was there when he got arrested. I saw the way he looked at you, and you betrayed him. You sent him to prison in Korea. You got him killed." He said.

I shook my head. "No I didn't. Chloe killed him. He died protecting Declan. Don't let that be in vain." I pleaded. He smirked again.

"Let's play a game." He said. He saw the confused look on my face and continued. "Truth or dare. For every answer I like, I will send out one group of people." I nodded, there is no other option. "And I want your comms on. It might get interesting."

He asked me truth or dare and I picked truth. "Why are you here for this boy?" He asked. My eyes shifted to the blonde in the chair.

"Because I love him. I saw him grow up into the person he is. When I met Ian, Declan was not even a year old. I helped teach him how to read. Hell I helped teach him how to talk." Tears fell down my face. I quickly wiped them away as he sat thinking.

"The kids can go." I ran over and pulled up the four kids sitting there. Two were teenagers, one a child and the other a baby. The girl teenager picked up the baby and I helped her to the door.

"Tell JJ I love her. Please." She nodded and ran out the door. "Get back over here now." He demanded. I walked back over and kneeled down.

"Truth or dare?" I asked. He looked confused. "You just asked me, now I ask you." He replied truth and I only had one question.

"How did you really feel about Ian?" I asked. "I liked him. My turn." I didn't push, I didn't know how unstable he was. "What happened in Belgium?" I gasped.

"Who told you about that?" I asked. He got mad and hit me with the barrel of the gun.

I heard her cry in pain. Spencer tried to turn off the speaker but I hit his hand away.

"When I was fifteen I got pregnant." I heard. She had told me all about Belgium. Why is it such a big deal.

"What are you leaving out?"

"I didn't abort it."

There it is.

"I was young but I thought I could have the chance. The chance to have a kid. When I told my mom about it she tried to get me to abort it but I couldn't. I had convinced her to let me keep it. But." She started. I could feel her pain and I just wanted to go save her.

"I was entering the second trimester when I was in an accident. I lost it."

Oh Emily. I know that one was hard keeping to herself. I couldn't hear the rest but all of a sudden the door opened again and the women ran out.

Emily asked a question about Ian as a young girl came over to me.

"Are you JJ?" She asked. I nodded. "She told me to tell you that she loves you." Elle escorted her away as I started to break down. Emily might not come out.

After answering another question about Doyle, the men ran out. She asked him a question back, this time about his childhood.

She finally answered truth for hopefully the last time. The question was something about what happened when Declan was one.

Emily's POV
That was it. The thing I had been keeping from everyone. The tears got worse as the three of us sat alone in an empty bank.

"If I answer it will you let us go?" I begged and he just shrugged.

"I got too close." I answered plainly. He hit me with the gun again, angry he wasn't getting what he wanted. "What does that mean?" He asked. I glared at him. "Only if you let us go." I spat at him. I prepared to get hit again but he just seemed content. He nodded and it was back to me.

"I was pregnant."

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