some crappy romantic movie

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JJ woke up in Emily's arms. She noticed the dried mascara running down her face. Emily woke up to JJ staring at her.

"Hi Jay."

"Hi Em."

Not wanting to get up, JJ looked at the clock 6:49. They had to leave at 8.

"Emily I'm so sorry." JJ said as she started to sob. "I don't know what to do without you."

Emily wiped the tears from her face. "You won't get rid of me that easy. We still get to be friends. She can't separate us completely."

After spending another couple moments on the couch the pair left. They spent 15 minutes in the car silent. When they got there Barnes was in Hotch's office.

Emily walked into the office. She didn't want JJ to hear what she was going to say.

"We broke up. You won Barnes. You managed to destroy four people happiness. I know for a fact that Spencer and Elle are planning to get engaged. You sent her back to Dallas. Do you realize what you did? He may not be able to function without her." She said trying not to scream.

"And JJ." She started. "She's been through hell and back. And she has finally started to be happy again. You don't know what she's been through. If you had gone through what she did, you wouldn't be able to live. But she can. She is the strongest person I know. And you had to try to cut her down one more time." Her voice started to raise.

"Shame on you. Our team, my family got happy. Happy after Doyle, happy after Foyet, happy after Strauss got killed while working on some secret Middle East project." She realized she was yelling and started to leave. Before she did, she stopped at the door. "You may have just broken the strongest and best team in the bureau."

She went back to her desk and started to cry.

~three weeks later~

Elle was gone, Spencer never joked with anyone, Emily didn't smile, JJ couldn't keep on a happy face for the public appearances. The BAU was dark.

"We don't have a case. You can all go home." Hotch said looking at his sad team. Everyone left but Hotch and JJ. They both had paperwork.

Emily drove to her hotel in the rain. She couldn't find an apartment. The pair hadn't spent any time together anymore. It made them too sad.

Emily had thought back to Valentine's Day. The last day she was happy. She looked at the clock and noticed it was 10:15. JJ would be home soon, she thought.

Emily's POV
I give up. I need her. I grabbed my keys and sped to her apartment. I stopped before pulling up in front. There she was. JJ. I can't live without her.

Third Person POV
"Jennifer Jareau." The brunette yelled. JJ turned around and took her key out of the door.

"I can't live without you. I tried for three weeks to get you out of my head but I can't. I miss you Jay. I don't care if I have to go to London. I don't care if I completely find a new job. I need you." She looked at JJ as the blonde walked towards her.

"And now I'm standing in the rain looking like a dumbass, like some crappy romantic movie." She said kicking a puddle.

She turned to leave realizing what she had just done.

"Hey Prentiss." JJ yelled back. Emily turned around to face her.

"You're my dumbass." She yelled as she dropped her purse. She ran to the brunette and jumped in her arms.

She wrapped her legs around her waist, and her arms around her neck, pulling her into a tight kiss.

"I love you blackbird."

"I love you Cheetobreath."

They pulled away for a second as Emily whispered, "come with me." And led her to her car.

"Are we about to have sex in your car?" JJ asked confused.

"What? No. Why do you want to?" She asked back putting on her seatbelt.

"Not when we are drenched. Where are we going?" She replied.

"I'm going to kick Linda Barnes' ass"

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