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"She won't be there. It is almost 1am." JJ said.

"Right. I'll kick her ass tomorrow." Emily said driving back to her hotel.

"I have an apartment. You realize that right?"

"I know. But hotel sex." Emily whispered getting on the elevator.

JJ laughed and the pair walked to her room. She was about to unlock the door when JJ realized something.

She pulled Emily's hand away from the door and pointed to the handle. It was wiggling.

"JJ go to the elevator." Emily whispered as she pushed the blonde away. "Not without you." She replied. She backed up slightly and kicked the door in.

The two walked in guns drawn. In the middle of the room was the hotel manager tied to a chair. JJ ran towards her to help untie her as someone ran outside the room.

"Emily!" JJ yelled as she saw the brunette run after him.

She untied the manager, told her to call for help, and ran after her girlfriend.

Emily followed the unsub into the stairwell. She ran down three flights before losing him. She reached the ground floor and ran into the hall. She turned her head and felt a blow to the back of it.

Within seconds, she was out.

JJ ran down the stairwell and heard the sirens outside. She looked around and noticed a drop of blood on the wall.

She lost her again.

"JJ, what happened?" Morgan said running up to her. She fell to her knees looking into nothing.

"She's gone. I lost her again Derek." He knelt down next to her and pulled her into his arms.

Together they drove to the BAU. The car was silent.

Derek set her down at her desk and told Penelope what had happened. He told her about the hotel and where the cameras were.

After a few minutes Garcia had something. She pulled everyone together and pulled up what she had found. "It was Will. He went into her hotel room before you got there. He tricked the manager into thinking he was a family member. JJ he knocked her out." She said trying to not cry.

"Where the hell is he?" Rossi asked.

"I don't know. I'm still looking. But Jennifer. You can't be alone. He might come for you too." She replied almost crying.

Everyone looked at the blonde. She was hugging her knees into her chest.


Emily woke up on a cold cement floor. She tried to look around but it was too dark. She could see a slight reflection of herself in front of her. When her eyes adjusted she saw 4 glass walls around her. She was in a glass box.

"The whores awake." A voice behind her came. It had a thick southern accent. It was Will.

"Ah. Will. How's your eye?" She said leaning against the wall. "Better now that I have a plan."

She got scared. She turned to look at him. "What plan?" She asked, hoping it didn't involve JJ.

"I'm just going to show a certain FBI agent how to follow through. That bitch is disrespectful and I am going to punish her." He said through a sneer. He turned and left the room.

"Take me! TAKE ME WILL!" Emily screamed hitting the glass. Her fist made contact with the glass as she started crying. She fell to her knees and pounded the glass harder.

She knew she couldn't break it but she had to try. Eventually she got tired and tried to fall asleep.

She woke up to Will knocking on the glass. She looked at his shirt and wanted to puke. There was a blood splatter.

"This isn't hers. Yet." He taunted.

He left her after wiping the blood on the glass.

~at the BAU~

JJ sat in her office waiting. Waiting for a ransom note or a threat of some kind. She knew Will would come after her too.

"We have a note." Hotch said at her office doors. They were the only ones in the office.  He passed it over as she closed the door and sat on her office couch. She saw him walk out the glass doors towards the elevator.

Hey Jenny.
I have your little girlfriend. Maybe I'll treat her like she treats me. I know I'll have my fun. We should meet up sometime. You could join us.
Anyways I don't really want your team to interfere. And if anything happens to me she's dead. If you do anything that hurts me I'll go after someone else. Penelope or Spencer perhaps. I know you are the 'golden trio'

Her hands trembled. The paper started to get wet from her tears. She set the note down and walked to her desk. She looked at the things sitting in it.

Picture frames, awards from cases, a glass of pencils, an empty coffee mug, paper files and stacks of papers.

She picked up a frame and hugged it to her chest. It was her and Emily in a park. She looked at another. She remembered the night. Will had gotten mad and stormed out. She met the team at a bar and spent the night with Emily.

With tears running down her face she threw it at the door. It felt good. She picked up the coffee mug and threw it too, breaking it. That one felt better. She continued with the papers, frames and awards. With the last award she hit it against her desk. As if she tried to kill a bug she hit it against the desk again.

And again.

And again.

With all her anger she threw it at the wall. However it wasn't the right wall. She had hit the glass by the door.

Not realizing what she had done, she continued  to destroy her office. The papers in files were now on the floor. Her certification framed on the wall had broken glass by the door. Wanting to rid herself of anger she tipped over the filing cabinets.

As it hit the ground she let out a high sigh. She fell to her knees in the middle of the room. There was a picture by her knees. It was the one at the park. With a breath she hit her hands against the floor. She did it again. She pounded she fist against the floor, hitting the broken glass.

While she hit her fist she let out scream. It was low and loud. It went on and on. She didn't realize what she was doing until someone wrapped their arms around her waist.

"JJ stop. Please JJ." It was Derek. Penelope was standing at the door. She couldn't stop hitting her fist. Morgan tried to pull her away but she fought it.

Penelope kneeled next to her grabbed her wrist. "Jennifer. You have to stop. Don't hurt yourself more." She whispered with tears in her eyes.

JJ finally stopped. She looked in Penelope's eyes. Then at Penelope's hand. It had her blood in it.

"I just got her back. And I'm the reason she got taken." Penelope grabbed her hand.

She felt a lump in her throat. "Pen. I lost her." She said breathing heavier. She fell back into Morgan's arms. She kept repeating "I lost her" and "I can't do this" to her friends.

Her breathing got heavier. She started to squeeze her hand harder. Before she could say anything else everything went dark.

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