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Ben felt a rush in his chest. A sensation that he wouldn't usually feel, because honestly, his chest fancied being numb. Ben didn't usually enjoy or relish in that numbness, but now, as a searing pain passed through his nonexistent bones, he prayed for it to come back. 

Where was he? He could hear Klaus, but when was the seance not talking, or, more accurately, rambling? Ben shifted his position, successfully feeling himself on a bed, laying down to be precise. His eyes lingering shut as the pain continued to not relent for his own well being. 

"What happened?" Ben grumbled. It wasn't loud. It wasn't like in the movies where the character shoots up out of bed and attempts to leave. Ben didn't even open his eyes a crack. 

"You decided to be a bastard and pass out," Klaus laughed. Ben tried to force his eyes open, and as soon as they peeled apart, he blinked until he could see and the fog cleared. 

He was in the infirmary at the academy, Klaus was next to his bed painting his nails, and Five stood off to the side and flipped through some old files. Ben assumed Five couldn't hear nor see him. 

"I can't even breathe, how did I pass out? Doesn't that require breathing?" Ben asked. Klaus chuckled beside him and waved his hand to dry the nails. 

"Five's a doctor apparently. He said that since I drained my power, you got drained of your energy, since I give you that," Klaus explained. It was probably one of the best he's done, clear and concise enough that Ben could decipher what the hell was going on. 

"So you did this to me?" Ben accused. Klaus rolled his eyes and huffed dramatically, staring straight into Ben's 'soul'. 

"Quelle surprise," Klaus did in a sing-song voice and did a dramatic show of his hands. Ben sighed and shut his eyes again, of course, Klaus was the reason Ben was hurt. 

Klaus meant well, most of the time, but he had a very low regard for his own safety. Maybe this would make him take better care of himself, since Ben and him now share health basically. It was a nice thought, but that's all it was. That's all it would ever be-a thought. 

Ben felt the pain begin to subside, as he began waking up more. He was sitting in silence when Five spoke up, "Is he back?" 

Klaus nodded, "Okay, can you bring him back?" 

Klaus nodded again. Ben felt a rush of energy run through his head, just as it had every time Klaus summoned him. As he saw the blue tint come over his limbs, the surprise washed over Five's features again. It was as if he forgets what Klaus can do, or that Ben's around, when neither is happening. 

"I figured out what actually happened," Five glared at Klaus, who smiled sheepishly, "Klaus was attempting to keep you visible to Diego, even as he grew weak, so you were ultimately gathering too much energy at once and it essentially overworked your system." 

Ben nodded along, as if any of this made any sense, "I don't have a system, though." 

"You do, just not a human one. Your powers are still active, right?" 

Ben nodded. 

"Exactly. You still have all of your human elements, they still operate, but you don't have to use them. You don't have to eat, drink, or use the bathroom. What you do have is an immune system, which is where Klaus's energy is going, and if it can't keep up..." Five trailed. 

Ben nodded. 

"Okay, so he basically overfed me?" Ben asked. Five nodded and went back to the counter. 

"Right. In a weird way. Do you feel fine now?" Five asked. He leaned against said counter and watched with a curious gaze. 

"Yeah. I feel... normal," Ben explained. Five nodded and seemed to look content, so Ben sat up. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed as Klaus shifted his lower body to get out of the way. 

Untapped Potential: his greatest disappointment.Where stories live. Discover now