Fucking mess.

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Klaus snapped his eyes open- languidness filling his mind as he glanced around the room. His eyes snagged onto Ben- and a worthless void of anger clouded his mind.

Out of everyone, Ben was the only one who ever understood what Klaus went through. The only one that understood why Klaus was the way he was. And now that Vanya shared her sob story, that's all gone to shit.

Ben was the only one who had witnessed why Klaus held a grudge against their sister. He had, too. Klaus just didn't understand why Ben changed his mind. 

Klaus knew that Vanya's life was anything but pleasant, but his vendetta against her had nothing to do with comparing trauma. Klaus lived in a fantasy world- one where he wasn't hurt, and his family wasn't against him. Vanya had, too. But now? Her vision was a reality. His was still just a reverie. It wasn't fair. She was loved and always had been. Klaus- well, he didn't feel very loved.

Perhaps he was- and he was wrong. But if he had written a book about all of them- he wouldn't have been as accepted as she was. He'd have been ridiculed- by all of them, not just Diego. 

The point being: Ben knew that.

"For being pissed at me, you're staring quite a bit," Ben snarked. Usually, Klaus would've smiled and tried his best to retaliate, but he couldn't. Ben was being... well- not Ben. Klaus didn't deal well with change- contrary to popular belief, and his best friend turned against him was not a small change to adapt to.

"Shut your pie hole, Ben!" Klaus countered. He paused for a split second, "Said with love."

"Denied," Ben snapped. The longer Klaus sat there- hunching against his bedroom wall, the more disgusted he became. He didn't know if he was being dramatic- but he really didn't care either. He knew that Ben had a tendency to be passive- he didn't like fighting much. And a part of Klaus felt bad- mostly because Vanya and Ben had been close at one point, but he shoved that down.

A larger part- well, it was screaming.


Just for once! One time. Klaus wanted to be favored. He just wanted to be the person that someone else defends- that someone else would abandon their views for. But he wasn't. Because who would? He was a selfish- arrogant- self-centered asshole with no will to live.

There was no life left in him to defend.

Klaus ran a tired hand through his hair before wiping crusty eyeliner from his eyebags. His mind spun as he debated whether or not he should share his concerns. Normally, he would've immediately shut them down- turned it off, and returned to normal, but he felt an odd urge to share. He didn't want the one person he was comfortable with to hate him. He couldn't let Ben think of Klaus as everyone else did.

"I don't give a shit if you hate me, Ben," Klaus started- walking towards his door and ignoring his brother's confused face, "But get the fuck out of my room if you do."

Well, that didn't go as planned.

Klaus left the room, slamming the door behind him. He leaned against the wall in the hallway, choking down a sob that came out of nowhere. His mind felt heavy and filled with air, but he couldn't let that happen. He did that to himself. He didn't deserve to feel hurt.

"Oh, dear. I was coming to gather you all for dinner. Are you all right?" Grace asked, walking by Klaus with a calm smile. Klaus took a quick double-take.

He knew- Pogo told him that Grace was up and moving. He heard most of that conversation. But seeing her- that was completely different.

He should've denied it. But then- what was the entire point of this reunion?

Untapped Potential: his greatest disappointment.Where stories live. Discover now