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"So you're telling me... that I blew up the moon?" Vanya questioned after they explained what happened. She perceived it better than Ben assumed she would, considering the spiral the rest of them went through when they found out.

It hadn't lasted long, as the questions had rolled in. Vanya was still asking questions almost an hour later, "How did we not die?"

Klaus had left to take a nap a while ago, and he supposedly did fall asleep, considering that Ben was no longer able to be seen. Allison was still with Vanya at the moment, as well as Diego- who was listening but acted as if he couldn't hear them at the bar. Luther had ventured off as soon as Vanya was coherent, and Ben couldn't blame him for that. Vanya certainly didn't want him around, and even if she did, Luther was reasonably the most guarded of his feelings in the family. Diego was a close second. Five, predictably, had blinked off once Vanya was filled in- for the most part, and Ben didn't even want to know what the little man was doing.

"Well... we all fought off the commission agents as Klaus held the piece away from us," Allison replied, slightly sheepish. Her voice wasn't healed, not at all, and if Luther or Grace were here, she wouldn't have been talking. However, she demanded to be the one to explain the situation, but Vanya didn't know sign-language. It was surprising- the more Ben thought about it since they knew almost every language, Reginald never insisted on learning sign-language.

A specific part of him wanted to say that it would've just been time-consuming, but the part that knew who Reginald was- knew he didn't care about people who would've needed that to communicate. He wasn't known to be a defender of deaf nor mute people, and Ben doubted he had any respect for them either.

So Allison talked. Her voice was raspy, and it skipped out like a faulty videotape, but she didn't give up on trying. Ben understood that it was putting a strain on her vocal cords- and that could lead to permanent damage, but one discussion wasn't going to make that big of a difference. And besides, who was he to make choices for her? His choices led him under the dirt in the backyard, like he was some animal.

"Klaus can do that? I thought he couldn't control it?" Vanya continued. Ben was trying to choose between lashing out, ensuring them that Klaus was trying his best- for them, or chuckling softly at their confusion.

"He can't. I don't know how we're alive right now, but we are just going to be thankful that we are. How are you feeling now?" Allison described, following the water in her glass cup like it amazed her. Ben was considering leaving to find the others- they would've been more interesting, at least.

"I've been better, for sure," Vanya joked, which was unusual to hear from Number Seven. Although, more importantly, Vanya wasn't injured. At least, not physically. Her answer was referring to the mental stress the past couple of days had to have put on her, and Ben couldn't blame her for admitting to it.

"Just rest, okay? I have to go to this damn therapy session," Allison spat, sounding more annoyed than Ben remembered her ever sounding before. She was always so good at hiding her emotions, presumably why she's now an actress, but she wasn't even attempting to hide anymore. Ben wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

"You're still doing those?" Vanya questioned, laying back down on the couch. Allison stood from her spot on the couch, draping the jacket off her arm.

"Yeah, Patrick isn't letting up anytime soon," sighed Allison, tying her boots with delicate fingers. She straightened back up and smiled, a bit sadly, to Vanya.

Vanya returned it, trying to be comforting, and Ben was wondering why Patrick was so upset. He knew that Allison had rumored Claire, rumored her daughter to sleep, but it wasn't hurtful. Even Ben knows that Allison would never hurt her child, ever, so why was that so upsetting? She had powers, and it wasn't like she used them on him. Right?

Untapped Potential: his greatest disappointment.Where stories live. Discover now