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It started with a tingling sensation.

It rose through Ben's arms, his legs. His stomach turned and twisted around itself, but what really gave it away- was the fact that Ben could feel again. It was no longer little sensations, no longer a view of what Ben could've felt, but a reality. He was feeling.

And it only proved what Klaus already believed.

"You can control it. We've seen it," Ben defended him. He was by Klaus's side in an instant- he was trying to stop Klaus from making a stupid decision, but he didn't even believe himself. Klaus had little control, and that was good for The Handler.

"Can I? It was a fluke," Klaus referenced. Ben sighed, though it didn't seem like Klaus heard him, as he crossed his arms.

"Nothing about you is a fluke, dear," The Handler inputted. She crossed her legs calmly, "Nothing that happens to your cherished family is."

"She's right, Klaus," Five commented. He leaned against his wardrobe, his arms crossed- comfortably.

Ben felt a heated sentiment rise in his gut, but he quickly shunned it away. Five was trustworthy.

"You think we should send him away?" Diego infused. His voice was enraged as he glared at Five- and Ben was pretty damn happy that the rest of his family seemed to be thinking along the same wavelength. Klaus, however, seemed confused. His eyes glazed over as he furrowed his eyebrows, a curious tilt to his head. It was as if he was debating something in his mind.

Then again, after what just happened, Ben wasn't sure how much of his mind Klaus had access to anymore.

"What? No. I meant that nothing to do with our family is a coincidence. There's a reason that we've all been discovering new abilities," Five explained. The room seemed to settle, and Ben did as well. That was- until The Handler was attempting to hold in a laugh from her spot on the bed, her hand covering her mouth. Ben once again felt that feeling.

"What is it, then?" Luther pronounced. He hadn't been talking for a while- none of the siblings had. Once again, Five took the lead. Ben didn't blame them. Even he- who was at Klaus's side the majority of the time- was a bit fuzzy on what happened. It wasn't like possession, and negotiation came with instructions.

Ben felt like everything was dragged out; longer than it needed to be, and he really hoped that others felt the same.

"Well, we know that almost all of our abilities are driven by emotion. Father is gone- so it only makes sense that we feel more than we used to. Not to mention that two of us were freed of drugs, recently," Five explained. The explanation fell on deaf ears- at least- it seemed that way for Klaus. Ben noticed it as the seance got stuck in his head. His lip bitten down as he tugged on the ropes, his eyes chained to the floor. Ben was anxious to hear what the man had to say.

Pray to the 'little girl' that he wasn't about to make a stupid decision.

"What if she's right, though?" Klaus spoke. His voice was hitched- filled with bumps as if he had something caught in his throat. Ben had a feeling that it wasn't a side-effect. Klaus was upset- they all knew that.

The little girl really was a bitch, huh?

"She's not," Diego shrugged. Ben nodded- as did a few of the others. Klaus made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a sigh, but it was muffled.

Ben didn't understand.

"The only time I had control, we don't even know why I did!" Klaus fought. Ben didn't know why he was so adamant on his decision, but every possibility he thought of- well, none of them ended well.

Untapped Potential: his greatest disappointment.Where stories live. Discover now