Be aware of your surroundings

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It definitely wasn't unusual for Five to jump back and forth, seemingly into thin air. Not even in the slightest. But Klaus felt dizzy now, watching his significantly smaller brother bounce back and forth from nothing, and he didn't even know why. Maybe it was from going through one of those portals, or maybe from using this very draining new power, or maybe withdrawal. Klaus didn't know. To be honest, his head hurt just thinking about it, making the dizziness fog his sight. He forced his head to stay up and forced himself to stay alert. He wants people to take him seriously- make them notice when he's gone. He can't do that if he is unconscious.

So, he sits straighter and sips more out of his water- craving the taste of alcohol far too much. The sweat on his forehead had more of a chance of getting him drunk since Ben can actually- physically stop him now.

He's been pondering how to be taken seriously for a while, Ben- of course- was helping through the whole thing. Ben was definitely the most trustworthy one when he was alive- even Reginald trusted number six, and they feel like they concluded why. Klaus and Ben figured out that Ben was in their face enough to give his own opinions, while also out of their faces enough to agree with everyone simultaneously. There isn't anything more honorable than agreeing with everyone...

Okay, so maybe neither of them had it figured out completely, but it was a start. Anything would be better than what Klaus was originally going to do- which was just disappearing. So instead of driving themselves crazy over it, they decided to work on Klaus's new ability. They weren't experts on how to distribute the energy he was sending to solidify ghosts evenly so he could, 1. summon more at one time and 2. hold it longer. Ben thought that if he could just figure out how not to send all the energy out at once, Klaus could have held Ben for an hour.

Klaus described the power as best he can. It felt like energy was coursing through him, but he couldn't control it when it left his body. It either comes out in small disperses or in one huge one, and he can't hold it either way. The small gasps are too small for Klaus to grab onto- to keep a hold on, and the big ones are far too heavy to hold at once. Ben tried different things he used to use for the horror, and some did work, but Five was more skilled in the energy area.

But eventually, Five had rounded up a few of their siblings. Diego and Luther- who were accompanied by Patch, were the first to show. She looked rough, to say the least, her arm was bandaged, but she was walking. Her walk was more of a limp, though, and every time she took a step she squeezed her face in pain. Klaus felt a wave of guilt fill his body. If he just knew how to control this goddamn power, she wouldn't be in any pain. If he would've just paid attention, she wouldn't even be in danger. At least- not this kind of danger.

Diego supported her to the couch, and Luther continued to the armchairs on the other side of the room. Klaus saw Ben grimace. Klaus had to make everything right for Ben. Ben died so early, the least the rest of them could do was fulfill his wish. He only ever wanted a family- a whole family- not just Five and Vanya. Ben was a pain in the ass, more times than not, but he deserved that much. And, if Klaus was being honest, it couldn't be bad for him- either.

The three took seats. Silence filled the space, until Diego's mouth opened.

"Five granted her permission to be here, she's not family, but she can't really walk," Diego said and Klaus saw the way Luther's jaw clenched.

"That's okay. Why can't she walk, she was only hit in the arm right?" Klaus asked. He didn't really mean to, but his curiosity was quite the sin to be dealt with.

"Blood loss," Diego replied shortly, Klaus saw the slight anger in his eyes as he glanced at Klaus.

"Oh," Klaus paused, taking a reassuring glance from Ben, "I'm sorry," he said quickly, he didn't want to be a nervous person, but something went astray. He suddenly felt guilty for everything. His high was gone, which meant he realized what a shitty human being he was. How much everyone else was struggling, him being in the way was not helping anyone. He was so busy feeling bad for himself, he didn't realize what everyone else went through.

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