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"What the hell do you mean Vanya's gone?" Five spat. When the family rushed out the front door, Klaus was all too aware of the pain encircling his muscles.

"She left," Allison returned. It had been the third time she had said this since she had called for them, repeated alarm twirling in her voice. Five openly glared and grumbled to himself.

"I gave you one job! How can none of you do anything?" Five vented, spinning around to look at the group and glaring.

"Vanya is an adult. She doesn't need a babysitter," Allison defended, looking disgusted by the insinuation.

"It's not about her being an adult," Five retaliated. He moved to look directly at Allison, who was now leaning against the house quietly. Klaus would never get over how she always looked calm; she would always look untroubled. She would be that way no matter what was thrown at her.

"It's about her destroying the world!" Five argued, as rushed as ever.

Klaus ignored the stares from Ben as he grunted softly, lowering himself to sit on the staircase. It wasn't pleasant by any means, the stairs themselves were too thin for an adult man to fit on comfortably, but Klaus was unable to stand any longer. His legs felt weak from something; Klaus couldn't remember exactly why that could be.

"Can Vanya even do... that? I mean, none of us could," Diego questioned. His lean against the wall was getting dangerously slack, and Klaus almost worried that the man would soon slip onto the ground.

"We don't know what Vanya could do. Her file was at the commission for a reason, and we don't want to know what that reason may be," Five continued. Diego nodded slightly, signaling that he understood. And though Allison and Luther looked skeptical, nobody argued with the boy.

The silence extended for a moment, "Well, this was fun!" Klaus clapped. He was desperately trying to annoy them; maybe then they would wipe off the pathetic faces they exhausted, "This was fun." He got off the stairs and walked to the door.

"Where are you going? We have to find Vanya," Luther complained. Klaus glanced to Ben quickly, regarding the ghost shrug mindlessly. Klaus waved Ben off. Luther could fuck off.

"Eh, somewhere with whiskey," Klaus inhaled roughly, "Ooh, vodka sounds good as well."

Klaus continued to mutter to no one as he opened the door calmly. They didn't need his help. Nobody needed his help.

Klaus stopped abruptly.

"Something's wrong," Klaus admitted. He heard shuffling steps, though he knew who they belonged to.

"What's wrong now?" Ben snarked. Klaus stuck his tongue out before groaning and hunching over. He braced a hand on the door frame, leaning against it heavily.

He felt the ghost's gaze watching his movements anxiously, but Klaus couldn't of cared less. The feeling sprung through his gut as he felt it spread across his limbs. Klaus was so goddamn tired of this. Why was he always hurt because of his powers?

"Klaus?" Allison asked. Her tone was eerily similar to Vanya's.  It was too timid for the extroverted girl, too worried for her narcissistic personality.

But that didn't matter- cause she repeated it; it just sounded like she was a million miles away and underwater. Klaus blinked, and blinked, and blinked, and blinked, taking deep breaths as he went.

But his vision fogged, and he could only hear clattering.

"Klaus. Breathe," Ben stated, Klaus recognized. He didn't understand, since he was breathing, why did he need to? He was breathing.

Untapped Potential: his greatest disappointment.Where stories live. Discover now