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Ben didn't know what he was doing. For a man in his thirties, he was acting more like he was seventeen. Which- on its own- is odd, considering he was uptight about dying when he was seventeen. Nevertheless, his curtains were sealed, and his hoodie was drawn over his face. His room was pitch black, but to Ben, it was perfect. 

He didn't exactly know why he was doing this, though. He was upset about Klaus and his selfish tendencies, yes, but this was something deep inside Ben causing this. Like it was a fear he had to hide. He couldn't bear to fight with Klaus again, but he also didn't care. It was like his heart was playing tug-of-war with his mind, and Ben had no energy to stop it. 

An alarm began blaring, and as instinct, Ben went to see what the problem was. A moment later, he remembered that he couldn't help, even if he wanted to. But before he could decide on either option, a voice sounded over the alarm, "Master Ben, we are uncertain of your whereabouts, but there is an impasse in the living room that requires your attention."  

His mind was running fast, but Ben pushed that down and forced his feet to carry him down to the oh-so-very popular living room. A pressure beat at his chest, an urgency that pierced his lungs- what happened? No doubt it was something to do with Klaus. It always was. Plus, Klaus would've gotten him if he was here. Or maybe he was here- and he couldn't. But why? 

Why? Why? Why? 

"Oh, thank god. You're corporeal," Five exclaimed, his voice breathy and uncertain. The situation in the living room was more than strange. It was... inexplicable.

Five sat in an armchair- right below his picture- with his arm leaning on the armrest as a glass of whiskey was swished around in a glass cup. The rest of the Hargreeves were crowded around the boy- as if this was an interrogation. What did Five do? What did Five do? 

Ben's heart was pounding in his chest- even if it shouldn't have been- and before he could even take a deep breath, he was talking, "What happened? What did you do, Five?" 

"I made a tough decision," Five responded. Ben felt a glower wear on his face, and before he knew it- his feet were walking in front of the chair. Luther stood beside him, his tall frame towering over the others and inadvertently shielding them. Five seemed unfazed by their sibling's defensive stances. 

"You keep saying that," Vanya interjected, standing next to Pogo, "But why don't you tell us what happened before Pogo does?" 

Five stayed silent for a beat too long. 

"Five. What did you do? Where's Klaus?" 

"Now you all care? Last time Klaus was missing, I had to find out from a ghost," Five snarked, obviously avoiding the questions. Although, he wasn't too far off. 

"Don't change the subject," Luther defended, but everyone could tell that Klaus's kidnapping wore heavily on the monkey's shoulders. It did for everyone. 

"I do not have to defend my actions to you," Five scoffed, "I'm a grown-ass man." 

"Act like one." 

Allison's words pierced Five's exterior, her tough sentiment always pulling someone away from their shields. But Five was a bit different from everyone, and as quickly as his walls were down, he built them again. 

Although, rather than argue whatever choice he made, Five remained stoic and silent. 

"Enough of this. This is no childish matter, Master Five. This is... dangerous, and irreversible shall your plan fail," Pogo interrupted. His face- for once in a long time- was weary and full of anger. 

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