Oh my God, we're back again!

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Ben was... upset, to say it in a nice way. Klaus compares him to his father, lashes out at Vanya, and now he's passed out? Ben did not want to find Five again and repeat this. Klaus was breathing at a normal rate... so he didn't worry too much. It happened last time he used these new powers, and he was fine, so he should be this time as well.

So Ben didn't fret, he sat down peacefully and read a few chapters in his book. Maybe Klaus's attitude today affected his moral code, or maybe Ben allowed his feelings to grab ahold of him, and maybe maybe maybe Ben could make excuses all day. He didn't find any help. He made sure to keep a watchful eye on Klaus, regarding his breathing come steadily, though they hitched once in a while, but that's been a normal occurrence recently. 

Ben was resting there for a while, he had forgotten the time he started, but his feet had grown numb from sitting so long. Whenever he noticed this, he also noticed the muffled yelling erupting from downstairs. His eyebrows perched, Luther and Diego no doubt. Even though this is a common occurrence, and Ben doesn't think Klaus has realized that (he hasn't been watching the show) it still managed to pique Ben's interest every time.

Ben reluctantly walked away from the unconscious man, making sure the breathing was still regularly working, before trekking to the top of the main stairs. He floated down them calmly as the arguing grew louder.

"He sent you up there so he didn't have to look at you! This isn't a mystery!" Diego snapped. Ben smiled to himself, the familiarity was very much welcomed.

"I think it has something to do with Dad's death," Luther stated. He was calm as he sat next to the fireplace, Diego pacing in front of him. Allison sat on the opposing couch, spectating.

"You guys are so immature," Allison whined as she took a sip from her drink. Ben didn't know if it was whiskey or juice, either were possible with her.

"Then why are you watching?" Diego brought up. She seemed to effectively distract them from their argument. Ben didn't know if she meant to do that, if she did, he'd give her a lot of credit.

"So you two don't murder each other," Allison said.

Ben was bored. Klaus was his source of entertainment for years, and this couldn't come close to Klaus. He needed something much more enticing and engaging than a petty argument. Ben elected to find Five (and probably Vanya) because Five was always doing something.

So Ben walked around the house with poise as he looked for them, checking the courtyard last. He figured they wouldn't be training, considering earlier, when they had already started. And yet there the duo was, working with Vanya's hearing and breathing skills. Ben sighed deeply. Vanya's going to wear herself down because of Klaus's selfish desires.

Ben understands Klaus's jealousy, he does, he probably would be the only one in the damn house that would. But Klaus takes things too far, he always has, and playing into his sister fears? It wasn't fair to her. Klaus needs to learn how to deal with emotions before Ben can truly feel bad for him in these situations. Now Vanya is going to think she almost hurt him, and he'll continue to lie to her. Because Ben knows Klaus, Klaus feels bad for what he did, but he won't change it now. Now he wouldn't be able to stand the consequences of the encounter.

Ben let out a huff of air before heading back into the house. As much as Klaus deserves being unconscious, Ben wouldn't forgive himself if Klaus died because Ben refused to check on him. Klaus was still breathing, though it was growing more rapid, and Ben felt that worry return. But Klaus was still fine, so Ben went back to his book again. Why waste his time?

"Ben? What happened?" Klaus grumbled. It was about an hour later- 2 hours since everything happened.

"You passed out," Ben replied coldly. Klaus snorted slightly to himself, pulling himself into a ball-like position on the bed.

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