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Klaus knew a burning, searing pain was dashing through his chest with barbarity even if his brain was desperately trying not to focus on it. The indistinct babbling from Ben and Vanya, who were still hugging, diminishing into the background as he sought to alleviate the pain building through his bones. 

Vanya and Ben eventually let go of one another, sitting down on the floor to keep Vanya still. Klaus wrapped his arms around the other to attempt to distract himself from the agony rushing through him. Maybe if he irritated his arm or something, the headaches and muscle discomfort would wither? Even if it was slight, anything was better than this

"Guys," Five interrupted, blinking into the room. "We have a Luther problem."

Klaus was a little impressed when Five barely even teared up this time looking towards Ben. He did rest his gaze on Ben's figure longer than comfortable, but it was a major improvement from what he was doing, where he'd tear up and then pretend like it wasn't bothering him. Klaus wished everything could go back to normal. He missed normal?.

"When do we not?" Klaus remarks. He doesn't even notice most of the time when he retorts snarky comments, but he enjoyed doing it, and he wasn't going to stop. 

Five just disappeared again as Vanya continued to stare wistfully towards Ben, whose gaze was nothing less than the same. Klaus remained uncomfortable while the two shared their moment. He didn't want to be there, and it unmistakably was exhibited on his face. 

"Well, we must be going then," Klaus mocked his father's accent. 

He stood from his bed weakly and his clothes adhered to his body with force. He pointedly disregarded the increasing throbbing in his stomach and the deep, sharp, stabbing pain coating in his chest. The heels of his feet grew more weary with each minuscule step. 

Klaus forced himself to move out of the room and go downstairs, even if the shouting was encouraging him away. The voices alerted him to regain access to his senses as he lost himself in the pits of agony. He waited until he heard his own door shut to allow his power to fade, to force the strain away. He didn't want to notice how the pain lessened ever so slightly, but how could he not? His powers were causing him pain, more than the typical mental torture, they're now physically hurting him.

"Dad sent me to the moon, for nothing!" Luther said rather loudly. 

Klaus hadn't been tuning in while descending the staircase, but nothing else could've gotten his interest quicker. Luther was talking about dad, and he didn't sound like he was defending him. Maybe this house would be less boring for a few hours today. Klaus misses his entertainment from the streets. 

"Luther, we have approximately three days to save the world. This isn't relevant right now," Five snapped. Klaus joined them in the living room with nonchalance and placed himself on the couch before flipping his left leg over his right leg. 

"No one is even focusing on that anyway! Training Klaus is not preparing nor stopping an Apocolypse," Luther said. Five huffed with annoyance hastily and glimpsed at Klaus, who simply shrugged with no disturbance considering he didn't entirely disagree. 

Klaus shouldn't be their main priority. The end of the world is arriving, it's coming, in three days nonetheless, so why is training Klaus important? Vanya? Sure. She has new powers, and they are dangerous, so she should know how to control them. Klaus can sometimes cause a lamp to smash, that's not going to end the world.

His powers may be different than everyone else's, but they aren't compelling. They never have been. They have never been helpful, valuable, or propitious. 

"What do you think I'm doing in my room all day? Training for an hour isn't distracting me. Just because you all don't seem to care about this, doesn't mean I don't." Five threatened. He was in Luther's space, the violence emitting off of his face. 

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