Imagine Fighting Along Side The Doctor (Part 1)

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Imagine Fighting Along Side The Doctor. (Part 1)

You and the Doctor ran side-by-side each other. Cybermen were closing in on you, this life amazed you, your old normal life sucked compared to this.


The Doctor yelled as he pushed you into another corridor. The two of you again started to run down another long corridor. It felt like you were in some sorta of BBC TV show, but this was no show, this was real.

You were in a factory, no one was in there mind you, but the only sounds that you heard were your breath, your loudly pounding heart, your shoes as you ran along the hard stone floor, and the Cybermen behind you.

"How the hell did we even get into this mess!? I just had to go pee!"

You screamed at the Doctor. That was probably one of the weirdest things you've ever yelled out before, but nonetheless the Doctor kept running, with you trailing behind him.

Then all the sudden, you tripped on something, but you didn't know what it was. The Doctor heard you fall and looked back behind him to see what happened to you. He rolled his eyes, you were a klutz, it was true, but this was not the time to be forgetting how to walk. You got up as quickly as you could.

"Hurry up!"

The Doctor hissed at you. You rolled your eyes and kept running. This time the Doctor ran behind you as the two of you ran back to the Tardis. God, you thought, let's just add this to the moments where I'm useless. You'd been accident prone, but you had to keep running and stop thinking about falling down again. The Doctor grabbed your waist and lead down a small alleyway.


You said, but the Doctor placed this hand over your mouth so you wouldn't make a sound. There was the noise, the noise that the Cybermen made as they worked, they were heading straight toward the alley. There they were, they walked past you and the Doctor.

The Doctor kept his hand on your mouth, he then slipped his other hand into his coat pocket and took out his Sonic Screwdriver. The only thing that could really kill a Cyberman. Luckily, the Doctor let go of your mouth, you reached for a pipe that was lying on the ground, it didn't look too old, but it sure as hell was good for bashing in Cyberman heads.

The Doctor tapped your left shoulder, you turned your head to face him. He started to point to the end of the alley, you nodded your head and made your way down there.

Your metal pipe in hand and your Doctor behind you, what could go wrong? A shit load.

As you walked down the alleyway, you run into some Cybermen.


You muttered under your breath. The Doctor pushed you out of harm's way as he aimed his Sonic Screwdriver at the Cybermen. He hit one, but there were still two more. You fumbled up with your trusty metal pipe in hand, you run up to the Doctor's side and started to hit Cybermen with your pipe.

There were more coming your way, but you didn't want to down back, you wanted to keep fighting because it felt amazing to be beating Cybermen.

"What the hell are you doing!?"

The Doctor demanded. He seemed very angry with you, but if you hadn't come to his rescue, he'd be dead.

"Saving your ass, that's what,"

You replied. In a dying chance to save the Doctor, you threw your pipe at a Cyberman, but at the some time another Cyberman's bream hit you.


The Doctor cried.

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