The 1920's (requested)

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This is a 10th Doctor imagine. Requested by chocolate0101.


~~~Savannah's POV~~~

"What's going on?!" I called out as I entered the main part of the TARDIS.

I'd just entered the room after the TARDIS started to make jerking movements and was spinning faster then normal, this made me put down my book of course. The Doctor was busy running around, making sure all the parts were in order. I climbed down a ladder to see if I could help.

"Savannah, oh good you're here. Can you please hand me that tape over there please?" The Doctor asked.

He was pointing to a little drawer underneath the couch. I ran over to it, opened the drawer, then ran back to the Doctor. The Doctor then stood back to admire his handy work, then the TARDIS started to jerk around again and he sighed.

"What's wrong with the TARDIS now?" I asked.

The Doctor ran over to his computer to see where the TARDIS was taking us. He then turned to me.

"Well...we're missing a piece for some reason, so we're crash landing in the 1920's." The Doctor explained.

I started to jump up and down, I loved the 1920's, it was just after the World War 1. The Doctor smiled and looked down at his shoes. All of the sudden, the TARDIS started to do flips, my feet left the ground and I was sent flying. Luckily, the Doctor grabbed my hand just in time.

The TARDIS landed softly in a alleyway. The Doctor and I climb out and into the busy New York atmosphere, I ran out of the alleyway and gasped. It was amazing! Music was playing from all different directions and all different kinds, people were walking, the night sky was filled with stars, neon signs everywhere.

My heart stopped.

How could it? This was the roaring 20s, everyone was partying hard. Trumpets were sounding off. Music filled the streets, one man played his drums at one end of the street and another man played his trumpet at the other end.

It was breath taking.

The Doctor trailed behind me as I walked around. People were giving me weird looks, probably because of my clothing, I looked down to see I was wearing a black t-shirt with a shill and black jeans.

I ran back into the TARDIS and changed into something more 1020's like. The Doctor showed me a news paper and it was July 20, 1921.

"Wanna go to a club?!" I asked in excitement.

The Doctor smirked and shook his head. He put the news paper back and took out his sonic screwdriver.

"The TARDIS brought us here because there's something." The Doctor explained.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. There's always something wrong with the world. The Doctor pressed the button on his sonic screwdriver and started to follow a sort of trail, I followed him hoping to see if it could wait.


As we followed the trail, we ran into a homeless old women, she was muttering to herself. Once she noticed that the Doctor and I were coming down the alley way she ran over to us.

"Don't go to the Hound, when people go to the back room, they don't come back." She laughed.

The homeless old women then ran off. The Doctor and I exchanged looks and carried on to follow the trail.


"I guess the problem is that I'm not in this club." I said.

The trail had ended at a club called, "Hounds". People were lined up around the block to get in. You could hear the music from outside the building, men were taking pictures of women in lavish clothes, they mustn't been movie stars. 

"No, we're not going in there!" The Doctor hissed.

I smirked and grabbed his jacket, I pulled out the Doctor's mind reading paper thingy. I walked up to one of the bouncers and held the paper up to his face. The Doctor pulled away from my grasp and straightened out his jacket, he frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Hello there, we're apart the dancers that are dancing with the band." I lied to the bouncer.

He looked me up and down, then nodded his head and let us in. Thank god on our way here I'd stolen a fancy looking dress and had changed into it. The Doctor followed me into the club like a lost puppy would follow you around.

Everyone was dancing, laughing, drinking, and talking. The music, oh the music! It was incredible, it was better then the music outside. 

The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver, it of course lead us to the back room. I reached for the door knob, my heart started to race, there was a alien on the other side of course, but what kind? Something was holding me back this time, the Doctor cleared his throat as if to say, 'hurry up and get on with it.' I twisted the cold metal knob. As I opened the door, the Doctor pushed past me so that he'd be the first in the room. 

"The Doctor is here." A computerized voice called out.

I peeked my head into the back room of the club. There were three brightly coloured droids, I didn't know what to call them. The Doctor sighed, as if he'd knew it was them, but hoped it wasn't them all at the same time.

"Savannah. Run. I'm right behind you." The Doctor muttered.

I did as he said and ran, the only thing I didn't know was that he'd locked the door behind me. I turned around and growled, he always did this, once something got "too dangerous" for me, he'd push me aside. I pounded on the door.


To be completely honest, I don't know why I called him a fuck face. Oh well. I continued to bang and pound on the door.

~~~Doctor's POV~~~

I could hear Savannah banging on the metal door, her screams were endless, but to keep her safe I had to lock her out. 

The Daleks turned to me. They were ready to fire on me. I had no plan, I had no weapons (as usual), but I had my brain and my trusty sonic screwdriver. There was nothing I could do, my heart screamed to let Savannah in and let her help me, but my brain knew better and by now I'd learned that my brain was in control, not my heart. I'd lost far too many people to see Savannah die, she deserves so much better than I.

"Exterminate." The Daleks screeched. 

There metal voice called. Savannah kept pound on the door and screaming. I rushed over to the door and let her in, she was of course one of the brightest people I knew and god did I need her. Savannah jumped into action without another word or thought. 

Savannah grabbed the nearest "weapon" she could find, which of course was a broom. 

"Oh come on!" Savannah hissed.

She threw the broom at the red Dalek shot at her, the broom exploded. For some strange reason (and I mean very strange reason) there was a saw in the closest/room thing, she rushed over to the saw and leaped over to the Daleks, I used my screwdriver to disraked them from Savannah. One by one she started to saw off there eye and finally she sawed off there weapons. 

I stood there in amazement. The girl that I least expected to do something like that, actually did it. The Daleks one by one started to die (and I have no idea how). Savannah threw the saw behind her and swaggered out of the room, I still stood there with my mouth wide open and my screwdriver in hand. 

~~~Savannah's POV~~~

What did I just do?! 

Of course I didn't want to look like I had no idea what I'd just done so I walked out of there and left the night club. I wanted to get out of 1920's London and back to 2015's London. 

But hey, I'm pretty damn badass.


(A/N): I bet you guys thought I was dead! Think again! I'm trying to read more fanfics and write more, but I've had such a hard time writing, so I'm so so so so sorry to the two people that I now own imagines for, I'm working on them and if I own you one and you've changed you're username please message me right away. 

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