I Didn't Mean Too (requested)

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This is a requested 11th Doctor imagine. Requested byTinysingerxx.

~~~Lexi's POV~~~

I stared at this beautiful little photo in my hands. I'd never been happier in my whole life, who knew one little...alien...could make life so much more better.

The Doctor and I had gotten married two years ago. He married me because I was from a plant a lot like earth, but only some people on this "earth" were immortal.

I was one of the immortals. The immortals from my plant were viewed as leaders and as many of them were great leaders, some were also very bad. My father, John Clark was a great ruler.

So that's why the Doctor married me. I was human, just an immortal one.

"Hey, wanna go home and see your family? It's your mum's birthday tomorrow,"

The Doctor said as he entered our room. My attention was still at the small photo in my hands. The Doctor moved closer to me and took the photo from my hands.

"What are you even looking-"

As the Doctor said that, he looked at the photo. His mouth opened in disbelief and his eyes widen, my heart started to beat out of my chest. I was scared that he would want it.

"Baby. A baby."

The Doctor managed. I stood up and walked over to the Doctor, he was so stunned that he didn't even react to my hug. I took the photo from his grasp, I wanted him to be happy, we never really talked about having kids, it just happened.

"Isn't this amazing! Now you won't be the only Time Lord left, you'll have a someone that you can relate to,"

I spoke up. He still hadn't moved or done anything, he just stared at the photo. Endlessly.

"No. We're not having kids, I'm not going to become a father,"

The Doctor said. My heart broke. I thought he wanted kids...I sunk back into our bed. I'd never felt this way before. What was I supposed to do? The Doctor stormed out of the room, tears started to trickle down my face, it hurt so much. Maybe it was just the baby, but it felt like someone ripped my heart out of my chest and crushed it in front of me.

I sat back down on the bed, I pulled the covers over my body and tears started to fall down faster and faster.

~~~The Doctor's POV~~~

I'm not becoming a father. I'm not going to watch my family suffer. Marrying Lexi was a huge risk, but having a baby was on a whole new level! How the TARDIS do you even change the dipper, I'm still scared of Lexi's pads or tampons, or whatever she uses!

I heard Lexi's cries from upstairs, my heart sank into my gut. Maybe I made the worst decision of my life? Maybe I didn't. Oh Daleks, what am I supposed to do? Do I go in and suffer the hormonal wrath of my beautiful wife, or leave her be?

So many questions were zipping around my head. The only thing I wanted to do was to go talk to someone about this, but the only one I could talk to was Lexi. Do you see my problem here? To most people it would be clear onto what to do, but not me, my wife is upstairs crying and I'm downstairs being a asshole.

Why are most men assholes anyways?

That's not the point, the point is I need to make a decision and soon.

I start to pace back and forth. My mind racing with all the problems and lovely things, so far the pros out way the cons. I walked toward the stairs, I grab the metal rails and thing, 'am I doing the right thing?' 'Am I.'

I walk upstairs and down the hallway to our room. I hear Lexi's sobs from outside the door, I lightly knock on the door before entering the room.


Lexi cries out. I ignore her response and enter the room, Lexi is lying on my bed crying, what have I done? She's normally brave and strong, but today is the day she shows her true colours. (it makes sense through.)

I walk over to Lexi, her body shivered as she slowly got up, I wiped her tears away, her face had tears stains already.

"Sssshhhhh, it's okay, I'm here now."

I whispered. I held Lexi in my arms, she pulled away from me and slapped me, I raised my hand to my left cheek.


I yelled. I now realize I probably shouldn't have at Lexi. Her eyes were filled with the and pain, something I could relate to. Lexi got up and left the bedroom, by now I've probably had her even more mad at me, I don't know what I did now, but I think I made it worse.


Lexi screamed from downstairs. I got up and walked downstairs, I needed to make things right with her and quick. As soon as Lexi saw me she threw a boot at my head, I ducked out so the boot wouldn't hit me in the head.

"Come on, your being emotional about this whole situation."

I say. Fuck. I'm dead. Oh Galifrey. Before I knew it I chair hit me in the face, HOW THE TARDIS DID I MISS A FLYING CHAIR?! I fell to the ground, Lexi was playing with the controls, she probably was making the TARDIS take her home, so that her dad could beat me up. Holy Time Lords that hurt, who the hell throws a bloody chair at someone!?

"Lexi, don't you dare."

I hissed as I stood up. Lexi glared at me her hand was hovering over the button that would take her home.

"Don't you dare."

I continued. Lexi smiled at me and pressed the button. I growled at her. Her father was going to tell me! I stumbled to my feet and rushed over to Lexi, I hugged her.

That was probably the last thing I should do, but she did hug me back. Then I quickly changed our course to go back to Earth, something better then her home plant.

"So...what now?"

Lexi asked. I'll never understand women, one second they're angry and throwing chairs at you, the next they're loving you. I sighed and rubbed my head.

"I don't know. All I know is that I don't deal with surprises well."

I smiled. Lexi rolled her eyes and grinned. She walked over to me and hugged me again. What the hell had just happened? I'm done with hormonal women, just done.

"I've got you."

I muttered.


(A/N): Who sucks at updating?! I DO! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in a long time and to the other person I need to write for I love you!

You guys are amazing! How did we get to 8.6K?! :)

~Merida of Scotland

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