Imagine Marrying The Doctor

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Imagine Marrying The Doctor.

"(Y/N), who's this man your marrying?"

Mum asked. She didn't really approve of the Doctor, but she understood that I love him, I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true.

I looked around the room. We were having a smallish wedding in a hotel called, Best Western, it was apart of a North American hotel chain.

"Mum.....what if the Doctor doesn't come to the wedding?!"

I said. My heart was pounding away in my chest, I was scared. I'd heard story's of grooms being in love with there brides, but for some reason they didn't show up. The Doctor is a free spirit, what if he didn't want to be with me for the rest of my life?

So many questions started to fly around in my head, then my mum walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders, she smiled at me, her old grey eyes looking into my (E/C).

"He'll be there, and if for some reason he isn't....well....I'll hunt him down and kill him myself,"

Mum smiled. She kinda scared me sometimes, but she was a single mother trying to raise a insane, adventures, and loud girl, and she was doing pretty dawn well. Then I noticed my dress was hanging on a hook, ready for me to put on.

"I'm ready,"

I said.


The music started to play and that was my cue. The two wooden doors opened and started my walk into marriage with a Time Lord. At the end of the aisle was the Doctor, we was smiling like a idiot at me.

My mum and I linked arms. We slowly walked toward him. Each step made my heart skip a beat, to be honest my heart probably just stopped beating.

Then, when I reached the end, mum let go of my arm and smiled at me. I walked over to the Doctor and took my hand in his. My friends behind me were smiling and giggling.

"You look amazing,"

The Doctor said. I started to blush, then the priest started to talk.


"Do you take (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

The priest asked the Doctor. The Doctor smiled, you'd never seen him this happy in his life before. His old eyes showed so much joy and worry, but hey, this is the happiest day of your life. No one could reck it now.

"I do,"

The Doctor's voice chaimed. He placed a breath taking ring on your hand, then the priest turned to face you. Your heart skipped another beat, you tried so soften your breath.

"Do you take the Doctor of TARDIS, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Asked the priest. You forgot how to speak. Inside your mind you were freaking out, you were frozen. Then it all came rushing back to you in time. You took a steady breath.

"I do,"

You spoke. Before the priest could say, "you may now kiss the bride", the Doctor grabbed your waist and pulled you toward him, then he kissed you. Everyone started to cheer.

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