Imagine The Doctor Telling Your Daughter Your Dead

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(A/N): This is a continuing of the last imagine.

Imagine The Doctor Telling Your Daughter Your Dead.

~~~Doctor's POV~~~

Jessie and I ran around the house playing a nice game of tag. She was so quick for a 5-year-old, her tiny little feet were loud through, I could hear them coming and going.

Then I saw a picture of (Y/N) after just had Jessie, she was holding Jessie in her arms. When Jessie was born, she was very sick, and since I was her father, she had two hearts. The doctors wanted to take one out, but (Y/N) wouldn't let them.

"Daddy, where's mummy?"

Jessie asked. She'd managed to sneak up on you some how, Jessie looked at me with hopeful says, how could I tell her? "Hey sweetheart, your mum died trying to have me." No, that's not right. Maybe when she's older. Maybe.

"Your...your mother's...she's traveling for work,"

I said. That was the quickest thing that I could come up with on the spot. Jessie frowned, I just noticed that she was holding the little stuffed dog (Y/N) gave her, Jessie loved that stuffy, she even named his Brownie.

"When will mummy be back?"

Jessie asked again. Jessie looked so sad, she'd just last her mum and how in the hell was I supposed to raise her? I couldn't even protect her mother.

Jessie's eyes shown just as bright as (Y/N).

"Someday you'll see her, someday,"

I said. Tears started to roll down my checks, my beautiful baby girl won't understand for years to come, the sad thing is, I'd never be able to join them.

My family.

My everything.

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