Crying Angels (requested)

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This is a requested 11th Doctor imagine. Requested by Kawii_Ellie.

~~~Ellie's POV~~~

"Look, it's Ellie the freak!"

Kids laughed at me. I hated being in a adoption centre, it was hell. You may be wondering what happened to my parents, they died in a house fire, that "I" started, everyone thinks I did it, but I didn't. My mum started it, no one believed me. I was all alone in the truth.

I've been in this place for 7 years now, I was 5 when I first came here and now I'm 12. In a few more years they'll kick me onto the streets, all the pretty little girls get homes and I get nothing. Sure adopting kids makes you look amazing, but they only pick the young ones, the ones who haven't yet realzed how stupid this all is.

Everytime someone is adopted, the workers tell us next time, maye next time for the kids between 1-7, after that you become a messed up freak. Unless you're me, then your a messed up freak from the beginning. I don't know why everyone is scared of me, but they are.

"Shut it would you."

I hissed back. The ring leader of the kids stepped forward, his name was Matthew Ander and he hates me because a few mouths ago I beat him up in front of everyone. I tried to make it clear that I don't want to talk to anyone, but they always came back, just like bugs.

"What are you going to do in that cell, Ellie, kill me?!"

Matthew laughed. Because of what happened a few mouths ago, the adoption centre made me unadoptedable and locked me in a cell, they claimed it would help me, but it only made things worse.

There was one thing that made me the lucky one, some kids had started to go messing and no one could get me out of here. Plus, there was this new caretaker guy and everytime he came he gave me some candy. He always had this funny looking bow tie on.

"Just leave me alone!"

I cried out. Everyday they'd come and tease me, just a few more mouths and I'd be let out og this cell, its funny, they think that I'll be a good girl after this, but they don't know how much I want to kill them now.

"Matthew, go back to your room now."

Said someone. God I hope it's that man with the bow tie, because it sounded just like him. Then someone opened the heavy metal door that opened into my cell, when the person appeared I saw the happy smile of the bow tie man.

"Morning, Ellie. How are we this fine morning?"

Asked the Bow tie man. For some reason he didn't give me his name. Good thing I'm now dead yet...

"So what's your name?"

I asked. As the bow tie man handed me my food. He smiled down at me, I was sitting on my bed and he was standing in front of me with his trolley behind him.

I looked the food and started to eat it. It tasted so good.

"My name is John Smith,"

John said. That felt better knowing his name. I probably could've read his name tag, but I didn't. Oh well. I started to eat the food he'd handed me. It was oat meal, sliced apples, and a muffin. God I hated oat meal!

"Um.....have you seen any angel statues that are crying?"

John asked. I shook my head, what the hell?! Why would there be crying angels here? This isn't heaven! John nodded his head and left my cell, outside the kids were waiting for John to leave so that they could started screaming and laughing at me.

I set my tray down, John must've forgotten to take my tray, then I slipped back into my bed and tried to drown out the kids outside with my fantasies. I've always had this reacurring dream with a man in a red bow tie and red fezz.

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