Imagine Going On A Date With The Doctor (pt. 1)

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(A/N): I'M NOT DEAD! I've just been very busy with school! :)


Imagine Going On A Date With The Doctor. (Part 1)

"How do I look?"

You asked your best friend Alice. Alice looked up from her Vogue magazine, she smiled up at you and you smiled back.

"That blue dress is SO cute! Where did you get it?!"

Alice asked. You thought back to the day you met the Doctor for a shopping day.


"Doctor, where did you get all that money?"

You asked. The Doctor smiled at you, he was holding a blue, knee high, dress. He kept talking about how was he was going to giving some girl he knew that dress.

Who ever that girl was, she was so lucky to be dating the Doctor, you wondered if she's even from this plant.

"Like I do with everything else,"

The Doctor replied. You smiled and shook your head. He always seemed to somehow surprise you, and no matter how cheeky or cliché he was, you always seemed to stay around for more.

Sometimes you wondered why you even agreed to travel with him, you sometimes even think about life if you hadn't. Well...right now you'd be married to some dick bag named Arthur, sure Arthur was rich and powerful, but he didn't love you.

So really, the Doctor saved you from making the biggest mistake of your life, not even the Fates would change that.

"So, are we going?"

The Doctor asked as he snapped you out of your train of thought.

"Yes, but why on earth did you buy a dress for"

You asked. The Doctor smiled and handed it to you, the dress was so pretty!

"Wanna go on a date?"

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