The Little Doctor (requested)

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This is requested 10th Doctor imagine. Requested by BritishAtHeart423.

~~~The Doctor's POV~~~

I was the only one left.

Those words now defined me. Those words haunted me. Some days I wanted to go back in time and save someone, but who? If I saved one I had to save them all.

Then it hit me (I got hit in the head with a book).

Why don't I just use my own DNA to make another Time Lord or Time Lady! I started to run around and make a machine that would do just that. It did explode a few times and it did ooz different colours, but a week later ('cause I had to go to many many different plants and time periods to get what I needed) I'd successfully made another Time Lady. I missed my daughter so much that I made another one, I set up the machine to make her a baby, so I could raise her on my own.

"Dammit that stings!" I hissed.

The machine started to scratch at me and pull a tiny little bit of my skin off. I finally took my hand out and waited for a minute for it to make another life form. Then, when it was ready, the doors opened to reveal a beautiful baby girl. She hadn't yet opened her eyes, but she was amazing. She was so cute and tiny!

"Naomi, I'll name you Naomi." I muttered. 

I held her in my arms and rocked her back and forth. 

~~~Naomi's POV. 15 years later~~~

"Come on Dad! Please!" I begged.

Dad raced around the TARDIS controls trying to send us back in time. Since I was 13, he'd been teaching me about Earth, but he'd never let me see Galifrey. Dad turned his full attention to me, he stared me right in the eyes, I knew he was mad.

"No, no, no, no. Oh, did I mention, no!" He exclaimed. 

I rolled my eyes. He'd told me stories about Galifrey and how amazing it was and how all the Time Lords and Time Ladies traveled around in this TARDIS's, he told me about the history, about the people. He never told me about his family, about his wife and kids, of course I was the kid he had with himself. 

My minded tossed and turned with ways that I could make him change his mind, but he'd always have an excuse, he was smart like that. I had nothing to use against him, nothing.

"Fine. I'll never truly learn about our people if I don't experience them, sure you can tell stories, but you also might be lying about them to make you sound like the hero." I said.

I crossed a line, but it was worth it. Dad always hated it when I was right and he knew it, then again I was always right. 

Dad stepped away from the controls and faced me, his eyes were icy. He was thinking, but what about? Usually I could tell, but not this time, no. I tucked a strand of loss blonde hair behind my right ear. Dad's brown eyes were burning into my mind, he cleared his throat to talk, to make a point or to yell at me some more.

"Never. Galifrey is time locked, meaning we can never go back. I've told you the stories honestly and yes, I would've taken you there so you could learn properly, but I can't...I just can't." Dad said softly.

His face was grim, he turned his head away from me. Everything was silent, only the TARDIS was making noises. 

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

He nodded his head and I felt the room go to go my bedroom. There I lay awake thinking about Galifrey and how amazing it was, Dad did tell me a story about when he fought a man named the Master and how the Time Lords and Time Ladies did come back, but only to destroy Earth. Earth had become my home, it was my home. I'd met many of Dad's past friends, Martha Jones, Captain Jack, Rose Tyler, Dawn Noble, and Amy Pond. They all left. Time Lords are lonely people.

The truth of things was it was just my Dad and I right now, no one else and that's the way we liked it. Just the two of us. There were 4 knocks on my door, Dad always did that as a joke. 

"Can I come in?" He asked.

I got up and opened the door for him. Dad's smiling face was behind the door, he walked into my room and looked around, then at me.

"I'm sorry." I said again.

Dad walked over to me and hugged me. Just the two of us

"It's okay sweetheart."

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