Little Ones (requested)

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This is a requested 10 Doctor imagine. Requested by Purplewriter1.

~~~Fiona's POV~~~

"JAKE!" I called out.

I heard the little pitter patter of tiny feet running toward me. A boy with brown hair and green eyes looked up at me, he acted so much like his father.

"What?" Jake asked.

I looked down at the milk he'd spilt, I didn't want that milk getting anywhere near the TARDIS control panel.

Jake noticed the spilt milk and rolled his eyes, he called for his sister Lily. My sweet little Lily came wondering into the room, she was holding her favourite stuffed elephant named Ellie, she'd had that elephant since she was born.

"Can the person who did this please clean it up?" I groaned.

Jake and Lily looked at each other, probably trying to figure out who did it. Jake did spill the most things, Lily kinda just had a bad habit of accidentally breaking things.

Then, the Doctor walked in with a happy smile on his face. He'd just saved another plant from being destroyed.

"Oh, I forgot to clean that up." The Doctor muttered to himself.

I rolled my eyes, I forgot, I raise three kids, not two. Lily giggled while Jake smirked at me and folded his arms.

"Daddy!" Lily said as she ran over to the Doctor.

The smiled at her. She was our youngest and Jake was the oldest. Jake left the room to probably finish off the video game he was playing and Lily followed her older brother.

I smiled at Jake and Lily, they were so cute. I then turned back to the Doctor.

"Honestly, I feel like I'm the bad guy and you're the hero here to save the day." I sighed as I sat down on the nearest chair.

The Doctor moved closer to me and embraced me into a hug, I hugged back. He pulled away and smiled down at me, he kissed my forehead.

"Fiona, I love you. I don't want you to be the bad guy and you're not, it's just I'm not really used to being a dad. Even through I should be, I'm just not and I guess it's time for me to step up my game. I'm sorry you've felt this way for some time now." The Doctor apologized.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. The Doctor ran over to the sink, grabbed a towel and started to clean up his mess. He then ran around the TARDIS, trying to find the kids and tell them to clean up there rooms.

Jake and the Doctor got into a fight about Jake cleaning his, Jake ended up cleaning his room. The Doctor ran back to me and kissed me.

I guess he was a pretty good dad.

Lily entered the room with her sonic screwdriver in pieces, little tears were falling from her eyes. She walked up to her father and I, she held the pieces in front of us.

"J...Jake b...break sonic screwdriver." Lily cried.

The Doctor took her sonic screwdriver and marched off to go yell at Jake, while I comforted my beautiful little girl.

A few minutes later, after I'd managed to calm Lily down, Jake came down to say sorry to Lily.

"Sorry Lily, I'll make you a new one.
I promise." Jake said.

Lily wiped her tears away and hugged her brother. I smiled at Jake, he was amazing at fixing and making things, just like his dad is. Lily pulled away and slapped her brother, she backed away.

"Don't you ever do that again." Lily scolded Jake.

Jake, the Doctor, and I all laughed. Lily told her brother she was sorry. I felt a long arm being wrapped around my shoulders, I looked at the Doctor.

"We've done good." He said.


(A/N): Sorry this was short, hoped you liked it!

~ Merida of Scotland

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