Imagine Going On A Date With The Doctor (pt.2)

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Imagine Going On A Date With The Doctor. (Part 2)

Then someone knocked on your front door. Alice put down her magazine and smiled at you.

"Your man in shining armour awaits"

Alice teased. You shook your head and smiled, Alice smiled back. You walk over to the front door and you see the Doctor looking ever so happy with you.

"You look amazing!"

Said the Doctor. You blush and look at the ground, to you, you looked okey. Alice had done your make-up because your not really good at that sort stuff.

"Thank you,"

You replied. The Doctor bowed and asked for your hand, you giggled and played along. You did a little hurt kinda bow and took his hand in yours.

The Doctor walked you over to the TARDIS. Who needs a car, when you have a time and relative dimension in space.

"Can we go to France?!"

You asked. The Doctor flipped some switches and off you two are to France.


The Doctor grabbed your hand. You had landed on the Eiffel Tower. No one in sight. Not a soul. Then you noticed a small table with two chairs, it had a white cloth, red roses in a vase, and food had some plates.

Your heart skipped a beat. This was your dream date. No one had ever gone to this much trouble for you.

"Do you like it?"

The Doctor shyly asked. You nodded you head, the Doctor snaked one arm around your waist, and with the other, he tilted your head upward.

You looked into his old eyes. There was so much pain and hurt, but there was also a light light and love peaking out. He kissed you.

"I love you,"

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