My Life Flashed In A Blur With You

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I don't specifically know why,but life flashed past me without ever realizing it myself.

After I saw Shintaro die right in front of me, Akashi carried me home while I simply made things harder for him by kicking and screaming the whole way. People looked t him weird and I'm sure they thought the son of the oh so great Akashi corporations was doing something terrible to the girl that must be so innocent and trying to get away from him. When we got to the mansion, I dropped to my knees exhausted from my thrashing about. I stayed there and cried yelling at myself for his death. My knight in shining armor stayed there with me the entire night supplying me with a shoulder to cry on. Oh how I love him.

I got the news about Takao and shut myself in my room. I unplugged everything and laid in my bed ignoring the worried cries of Kise and Sempai. Occasionally Taiga would come and talk to me through the door like he did whenever I did this and Akashi would talk to me too saying sweet nothings until we fell asleep. Eventually Taiga heard the sound of my body collapsing on the ground from both starvation and dehydration. The door was broken down and I was taken to the Emergency room.

The day of the funeral came up, and I dressed in a black dress decorated with black roses. Atsushi was there and so we made up and I forgave him as well did all of the GoM.

Excluding Aomine.

He wasn't in attendance.

Kazunari and Shintaro were buried next to each other. Sharing the same tombstone that said there names and birth and death dates. We each wrote messages on the stone below. The one that made my month was the one that said "best Uke and Seme pair". For my note, I wrote "Life Savior"

Soon after, I ended up moving out of Kise and Sempai's apartment. They had been newlyweds and so I don't want to hear Kise scream  "AAHH!! YUKIO HARDER!" or Sempai telling Kise that he is "too lewd" with random but make out sessions I walk in on. I moved in with Akashi nd we shared a room out of the like 500 others.

Then it happened...


Sorry for the short chapter! This is basically just a huge timeskip but I didn't want to leave it all blank so I summarized it so I don't appear as lazy :3 I've been much happier since it was my birthday yesterday! I share my birthday with Nishiki from Tokyo Ghoul isn't that cool? Anyway, I recently finished this Anime called Stiens Gate and I suggest you check it out because it will mind fuck you from the first word! The song on the side is the opening!

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