The Kiseki no Sedai

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Dear Papa,
Kise invited me to go out with him and his old middle school friends. Apparently another one knows Kagami and invited him too so im kinda like (>.>). But im fine . Im actually kinda excited! mabey ill meet my future husband! But that only occurs in fairy tales so i doubt it.
Sincerely, Little Cub (name)


"Are you sure its fine for me to be here? I mean i do have school tomorrow. What if they get the wrong idea about our relationship?."

"First of all, they are so..... polite? Plus they are already aware of my fabulousness." he said giving his hair a flip.
We arrived at the door of a restraunt that looked really nice and fancy....too fancy. I didnt really bring that much money and i dont wanna ask anyone for some. As soon as he opened the door, i hid behind him trying to just disappear into him. That thought quickly failed when Kise ran to go give someone a hug.

The first pair of eyed i met were mismatched. I stood straight and alert after having making eye contact with him. He gave me a genuine smile and for a second, i thought he was sexy. But then my mind forced the thought of what he did to me back into my head.

"(name)? What the hell are you doing here?" Two people exclaimed in unision. I looked to both sides of the table and saw Shintaro and Aomine looking at eachother confused. They seemed to be asking eachother how they knew me.
"Hi everyone." a monotone voice said beside me. I looked over to see the little blue haired boy standing there staring at everyone else. Then he probablly sensed my fear because he looked over at me and had no change in expression.
When i first bumped into him, i never got to see his face. But now that i did, my feelings tword him changed drastically... "OH MY HYLIA HOW IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE TO BE THAT CUTE?!" I yelled grabbing and pinching his cheeks while squeeing like Ereri suddenly was cannon.

"HOW? WHY? OH MY HYLIA CAN YOU MOVE IN WITH ME AND BE MY TEDDYBEAR?!" I yelled once more while squeezing him to death.

"Im sorry but ill have to decline that offer. Can you please put me down now. Im not really breathing at the moment."

" OH MY GOD AND POLITE TOO??!!" I said while putting him down and ruffling his light blue hair.

"Can you please not do that. Im not a child."

"Whatever you say my Kawaii potatoe!"

"I dont like potatoes. Can i be a vanilla milk shake?"

"Whatever you say my Kawaii milk shake!"

I was interupted from my fan girling by a 'ahem' and looked over to see the tsundere annoyingly push his glasses up. "Aww! Does Shin-chan want a hug too?"

"No. infact i want you to leave."

"I agree with the carrot." I heard Kgami speak up. He was sitting in a chair next to the titan and an empty seat for my little Kawaii Milkshake. I gave him a warning glare and he went back to scarfing the whole table down his throat.

" Its perfectlly fine. (Name) took the trouble of coming out here with that annoying dog..."

"Hey!" Kise spoke up reall quick. He instantly went quite and hid behind Kuroko when he was shot a smile from the devil himself.

"Anyway, its only right if you enjoy yourself here with us. Lets start by introducing ourselves. I am Akashi Seijuro, heir to Akashi Corporation. I am the former coach and captain of the Generation of Miracles and current coach and captain of Rakuzan. My postion is point gaurd and my number is 4."

"Eh?...Oh... Im Muraskibara Atsushi. I play Center of both Yosen High and Teiko middle with jersey number 9... would you by any chance have some sweets?" I digged in my pocket and found a Jolly Rancher i brought over from America because i thought i might get home sick. I tossed it to him and he qucikly grabbed it and popped it into his mouth without looking at the wrapper. "hmm... Himuro gave me this once... I love her already."

"You already met me but, I play Power forward for both Teiko and Touo. I am jersey number 5 and number 1 in everything!"

"I'm the shooting guard of the GoM current school being the king of the west Shotuku wearing lucky number 6"

"I am number 7 small forward Kise Ryouta! I played at Teiko like the rest and now go to Kaijo with my wonderful Senpai!"

"I'm Kuroko... I was the sixth player at Teiko with number 11 and now wear number 15 at Seirin"

My attention was then directed to Akashi who then finished the convorsation.

"We are all the former prodigies of the Generation of Miracles"


Dear Papa,

Your bedtime stories are all true

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