Defying rule one

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Dear Mama,

I was told one thing by the phantom. Something I can't seem to stick too. When I thought about it I saw no threat. Now I'm the cause of the war between The Miracles. I've tried and failed. I've both made and broken promises. I've been the cause of a death. I've broken hearts. I am not the little cub you once knew.

I am an Empress


Murasakibara picked me up and threw need over his shoulder with one goal. He slammed my door open and then immediately closed and locked it after he threw me on my bed. I sat there backed into the corner were my bed begins and my wall ends. Panting, I couldn't find words for this moment or even ones to describe it. He looked all around the room occasionally looking at me and smirking. I could hear Kise on the other side of my door pounding and begging Atsushi not to do it. I nervously looked around and sweat dropped as I realized Atsushi had found what he was looking for.

He picked me up again and sat me in his lap as I nervously stared into his eyes.

"Don't worry (Name). I would never hurt you. I'm going to make you feel good..."


Its been a couple of weeks since I have moved schools down go kaijo and a couple of hours since I last talked to Taiga. I'm starting to trust him little by little again, and every day he asks if I wanna go home with him every day and doesn't get mad when I deny his offer.

I was put in class-A1 along with Kise's boyfriend, Kasamatsu-Senpai, whom I also sat next to. He also offered me job as manager and I accepted making me in the same position as I was at Seirin. Our class was throwing a dance like the ones they had in America. It was Nostalgic. The date was today and I didn't have anything to really wear or even know what to do with my hair.

"Oi (Name), You got a outfit for the dance?" Kasamatsu asked leaning across the isle.

"Actually... No Senpai-Kun. I don't even really know if I want to go."

"I demand you as Senpai to go to the dance with Kise and I." He said it loud enough so that both his and Kise's fangirls heard and all suddenly stared at me.

"S-Senpai! I-I..!"

"Good. I'll expect you ready at six." He smiled as about the whole girl population of class asked me how I managed to get both of them as an escort to the dance. I glared at him in between the bodies of the girls and he just smirked and laughed.


Kise was about the twentieth person to ask what I was going to wear to the dance. When I replied with an "i don't want to wear a dress"he looked at me in shock.

"What kinda girl doesn't wear a dress to a dance?!" I shrugged and popped some (favorite candy) in my mouth and washed it down my throat with some (favorite drink) and continued to watch some 'Is this a Zombie?' (go watch it it is very good and cute) Ayumu had just turned into a magical garment girl and was wearing a cute pink dress.

"Kise look! Its you!" he looked at the screen and gave me a look saying 'what am I going to do with you?' He turned around and pulled out his phone speed dialing someone.

"Murasakibaracchi! (Name) needs you!" he hung up quick and turned around with a dark look on his face. Then he looked back at his phone and dialed once again.

"Jayden? I need an outfit for a dance but NOT A DRSS OR ANY FORM OF PINK!" He hung up and started walking to his room to get ready, laughing the whole way.

A couple of minutes later a knock was heard at the door. When I opened the door to see who it was, it was forced open and a girl With a really cute bun and an outfit in her right hand shoved open the door. She ran in and set all her things down and looked at me standing there shocked.

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