Thinking of YOU

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It didn't take long for me to admit to myself my feelings for (Name). When I saw her, I already knew she was the one who I want to spend the rest of my life with. My only problem was the rest of the Generation of Miracles. I already knew there weaknesses and now I can quickly form a plan that can eliminate the enemies.

My red Empress will soon find her throne.

I sat in the drawing room with Akemi. Me and her both were reading a book (hers being 'Howl's Moving Castle' and mine being 'Brisingr') and drinking my favorite Apple Cinnamon tea with some milk.

"Akashi-sama, what does 'a heart is a heavy burden' mean?" I stopped reading about Eragon and Saphira to look at the little girl who sat in front of me.

"Well, it means that being able to feel and comprehend emotions is a gift but it is also hard to deal with them."

"Hmm... Then I want my heart to be swallowed by a demon like Howl." That kinda struck me and I tried my best to look over at her once again and smile.

"Its becaus it Is a heavy burden that I desire one. I would like to experience feelings like that one day."

"W-wouldn't it make life harder"

"Yes it would. But it would make life enjoyable also." she stopped talking and went back to reading the book. I pondered a little bit more about the question and thought of what (Name) would say.

I will have her. I just have to capture my pawns.


I haven't been able to focus on anything recently. Its really troublesome and is causing me to get hurt by Riko which I very dislike. I can't even look Kagami-kun in the eye without seeing her in his eyes. On multiple ocassions I have found myself dreaming about me and her and what it might be like if we were together.

I was washing Nigou before I was snapped out of another day dream about (Name) with a splash to the face.

"Nigou. Stop it."


"Are you talking back to me?"


"Shut up Nigou."


"Your a dog. You have no 'game'"


"Nigou. That's not fair. Hardly anyone notices me. Of course you can get more girls in a day than I in a year."


"No way am I calling you master of the bitches."

I pulled Nigou out of the bath and began blow drying him (especially in the ear, he hates it) and went to the kitchen to start making a dinner of boiled eggs with more boiled eggs and a dessert of boiled eggs.

I hope she headed my warnings.


*munch munch* I want to eat (Name) *munch munch*


I feel so proud of myself. I haven't bought the newest Mai-Chan magazine nor jacked off since I heard (Name) said she loved me. Mabey it was in her sleep BUT IT STILL COUNTS! I have thought about how to ask this girl out many times over and even asked my beloved twin.

"Jayden I need your-" as I opened the door I saw Kagami with both hands on either side of Jayden and sucking on her neck like a fucking vampire. I went and grabbed the remote from the front room and threw it at Kagami just as he made Jayden moan.


"THEN KNOCK FIRST BIG DUMBASS." Jayden said from under Kagami. The idiot finally got off of her and put on his shirt walking out of the apartment. "Your such a cock block"

"Yeah yeah whatever." then I turned to Jayden "I need your help."

"But the only one can beat you is you right"

"Except you...Its about (name), I need some advice "

"Want advice? The only thing I'm telling you is that she envys anime girl characters."


"I'm going to Kagami's so go kill yourself."

She got up and threw on a random pair of basketball shorts on and ran over to her boyfriends apartment. If I was going to ask (Name) out, I'm going to have to become one with the Otaku


I love her I love her I love her. In the name of Oh Asa I love her. The way she talked to me like a friend killed me but as long as I can hear her voice, I will be happy. It was starting to show more too, and that needs to be contained.

Now I'm becoming OOC...F@$%!

Takao decided it would be nice to got out and eat something and I apparently had no say so I was pushed all the way to a nearby restraunt.

"Shin-Chan! Are You going out with (Name)-san?"

"N-no. Its none of your business nandayo~"

"I'll take that as a yes! She's really cute and nice. Don't lose this one Shin-Chan."

"S-shut up nandayo~ she is my friend..."

I immediately realized that the way I said friend was in a longing tone and now he is getting ideas.

"Oh well.... How'd you meet?"

It was a long story actually. I was in America with my Dad whom got moved out to study the anti-virus to something that had been spreading in Japan at the time. I had went down to the little antique store to get my lucky item and on the way back I bumped into another kid my age. She fell on the floor and started crying and her annoying brother got mad and was saying to apologize. I had too much pride so I denied the demand. I helped up the little girl and she wiped her tears and smiled at me. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek while her brother yelled at her. She wasn't listening. Then she invited me over after I called my Dad to see if it was okay. I always visited after that until I had to leave to go back to Japan. I cried for a week.

"None of your buisness nandayo~"

(Name) has always been such a beautiful person in and out. I don't know what my life would have been without her. I think I can finally say...

Yes, I love you more that Oh Asa.


Dear (Name)

I love You ~Shin

I want you ~Daiki

I miss you ~Tetsu

I eat you ~Atsu

Your mine ~Sei

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