Stress and Alcohol

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In the morning, I called Taiga and told him to come pick me up and to bring my uniform with him. I took a quick shower at Murasakibara's and then changed so I could quickly make it to school on time. That thought was demolished because I got q long rant from Taiga about me 'sleeping around' and trusting boys too easily.

When we arrived at school, Taiga asked to see my schedule and I squeed in happiness at seeing that I had NO classes with him. I did this in my head of course because that would just be rude.

Taiga screamed all the sudden which made me scream and hold onto him. Beside him was cute little Kuroko sipping his coffee.

"French Vanilla coffee is not the same as Vanilla milkshakes at all. Oh hi (name)-Chan I didn't see you standing by your brother." I let go of Taiga and brushed off none existent dirt that was present on my skirt from Kagami. I then immediately gave Kuroko a greeting hug.


"(Name)-Chan can you please let go of me Your brothers forks are twitching."

"DON'T MIND HIM! HE WOULD NEVER HURT A CUTE HAIR ON YOUR HEAD KAWAII-KO!" I let him go anyway because you should never disobey the all mighty Kawaii-ko.

"at least it's not Aomine." I heard Taiga whisper to himself. I didn't know what he meant so I just brushed it off and walked to class with Kuroko.


For lunch, Kuroko and I walked over to Maji burger so he could get his Vanilla shake. When we were at the register, Kuroko seemed distracted so I asked him what's wrong and he replied the usual. "I'm fine".

When we grabbed our tray and looked for a place to eat, Kuroko walked off to a certain table that was occupied by a certain red head. I was kinda nervous but I still followed.

When we sat down I immediately brought out the actress in me and greeted him with a Oscar winning smile.

"Hi Akashi. How are you this fine day."

"Still scared of me I see. Well I actually wanted to tell you something. Hopefully something that will change your first impression of me." He gave a look to Kuroko and he got up to move to a different booth. Akashi's expression turned serious as soon as Kuroko was outta sight.

"(Name) I've been having a bad feeling about you. I keep on having nightmares that are all the same and involve you getting hurt. I am extremely worried about you but I am aware of your insecurity towards me. But you can trust me like I'm your own brother. Probably even more." He reached in his pocket and handed me a piece of paper. "If you are hurt,worried,or just wanna talk, call me. I can assure you I'll be there."

He smiled at me. A legit smile. Not a smirk or a forced one. But a smile that was given to me for me, and for the first time since I met him, I felt safe. I knew that I could trust him. All of my thoughts toward him were thrown out and replaced with how caring he was, but also how I suddenly started to feel attracted to him.

"Kuroko! Come back I would like to talk to you about something before I leave."


Kawaii-ko and I walked back to Seirin in silence and awkward looking at the other moments. Then I'm guessing the awkwardness was killing him so he broke it.

"(Name) I have that feeling to."

"What are you talking about?"

"Please don't treat me like I'm a child. Akashi-kun has a bad feeling about you and I share that same superstition. Would you mind if I walked home with you and your brother after practise?"

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