To Mama mother of Taiga and (y/n)

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Dear mama,

I'm starting Highschool today with Taiga. I hope I make all sorts of new friends and become manager of his basketball team to so I can boss him. Taiga will protect me im sure he'll look out for his little cub. I just hope he doesn't scare off any cute boys though. That would suck. My goals for this year are to pass, have a boyfriend, have a gay friend, and win whatever Japanese basket ball tournaments we have here. Be rootin for me in the west Mama Tiger!

Sincerely, Little cub (name)


"(Name) I swear to god any one touches you I'll kill them. So tell me ok?"

"Of course Taiga! But where is the basket ball sign up thingya-majig any way?"

Taiga scanned above the heads of the crowd we were currently walking through. I looked to because I knew for certain we would be here for ever if Bakagami here was the only one looking. After looking about everywhere, I noticed a Neko- lookin guy handing out basket ball flyers. Kagami must have noticed him too because he went charging that direction trampling everyone in his way. I followed behind him apologizing and helping up everyone who got crushed by Bakagami.

"Where's the booth at?" Kagami accidentally yelled causing the Neko-looking boy to hide deeper in his uniform. I popped my head out from behind Taiga's bulky build and gave cat boy a apologetic smile.

"Gomen! He's just really excited to be playing basketball again. That's like his waifu! Would you mind showing us to the booth?" Kagami set him down on the floor and he scurried along to the booth. I gave Kagami a warning glare and he looked nervously at me following behind me like a child with his head down.


The guy at the booth with the glasses was so adorable. A cute little tsundere! He reminded me of a certain carrot I met back in America. He handed me a form and I started to fill it out. When I was done, Riko started talking to me about some responsibilities I had as manager. I noticed how she was looking at Kagami like he was some god and I asked her what was up.

"Well.... ITS OVER 9000!!"

"Yeah... He's pretty big.but is there anything else?"

"I need.... To see... His skill..." I backed away slowly and went over to my brother who was filling out his sheet sloppily.

"I have no other classes today so I'm going to the apartment. See ya later!"

"Straight to the apartment little cub. I'll meet you there and start dinner."

I walked away tword the exit and headed down to the apartment. But i didn't make it far before I bumped into a boy. I fell on top of him and his shake or whatever spilled all over me.

"Would you mind getting off of me?" A monotone voice asked. I looked up to see pale blue hair and eyes. I gave a apologetic smile and quickly got off of him. He got up too and apologized for getting a vanilla shake spilled all over my shirt. I said it was fine but he insisted on letting me borrow his jacket to put over. I quickly said thank you and ran off before Taiga puts the scrawny little boy on his hit list.


I walked into the elevator of our apartment and let out a deep sigh closing my eyes. Before the door closed A guy quickly slid between the door and stopped to rest by me. I didn't really bother to acknowledge his existence though.

"Oi, aren't you cute. Got a boyfriend yet?"

I opened my eyes and looked over only to see abs and a V-line on tan skin. I looked up slowly to meet dark blue eyes that stared straight down at my cleavage. I went silent in fear for what to do. I mean he was kinda cute. Just change cute to sexy Calvin Klien model.

"Oi, answer me cutie."


"Well whats a cute kitten like you doin walking alone?"

"Uh...." The elevator door opened and I ran quickly tword the apartment. I fumbled with the keys and he called out to me once again. "Oi, I live across from you. Come over if you wanna have fun. Preferablly with less clothes."

I let myself in and quickly shut and locked the door. I leaned my back against it and slid down slowly. The red on my face started burning and I seriously needed to get the Calvin Klien looking model outta my head.


Dear Mama,

I have a Hentai of a neighbor

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