The Titan and his Emperor (I ship them SU HARD)

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Dear Mama

I have finally achieved my first goal! I finally have the gay friend of my dreams! He is so nice and sweet and I think you would love him! I even got a kiss! Looks like Japan is awesome so far. Just like you said it would be. Although it would be nice if mabey you could scare Taiga because he threatened Bae yesterday. He will feel my wrath if not yours. I miss you, hopefully I can join you soon. Say hi to dad for me!

Sincerely, Little cub (name)


Kise invited me to go to the movies. Apparently he'll die if he watches 'Deliver Us From Evil' alone. I told him to choose another movie because there is no way Kagami would let me go. But he said begging gets you everything. And I guess he was right. One bat of my eyes and Kagami was in the corner realizing what he has done.

"(Name)-cchi~! This movie is gonna be so good! My guess is at least four jumpscares each!"

We entered the movie theater and stared in awe at how almost every seat was taken. We luckily spotted two seats and scurried down the isles quickly so no one else would steal them.

We finally Sat down and got situated to watch the trailers and then see the movie start.

In the movie, a guy was starring at a screen intently seemingly trying to find something. I leaned forward a bit too so I won't miss anything in the video. The guy in the movie saw a creepy ass guy staring back at him and finally a bloodied face and body popped out of no where.

Being the cub I am, I jumped a foot in the air and grabbed onto Kise. "DID YOU NOT SEE THAT SHIT KISE? LIKE WHAT THE FUCK HOW DO YOU JUST DO THAT TO SOMEONE!" I whispered loud enough to express my emotion.

"Eh?.... How do you know Kise-chin?.... You his girlfriend or something?... And why are you hanging onto me like a little cat?"

Oh shit not again

"He he... Um.... Could you happen to know where Kise went?"

"I didn't even know he was here...were is he I need to talk to him... Aka-chin Kise is here..."

"I know. Now can you both shut up before I make you look like that guy."

I immediately got off of the Titan and sat down in my seat. I couldn't stop moving. I don't like to be alone especially when I was just threatened by a random guy whose face I didn't even get to see. Kise needs to be here quick or at least Kagami. Ima start freaking out soon.

"Hey (name)-cchi! Miss me?" A chorus of shut ups was thrown at Kise and he sat down ignoring them. He finally looked at me and tilted his head. "What's wrong?" I shook my head and scooted closer to Kise. Right now he is the closest thing I have to Kagami. But I'm kinda pissed at myself for being so scared of a guy I can't even see. I think I need to redeem myself.

"Hey Titan. Tell 'Aka-Chin' to meet me outside the theater." I said getting up and heading through the west side door.

"(Name)-chi~! Don't leave me~!"

"Sorry Kise I'll be back!" I whispered back.


I stood by a wall in the back of the theater alone. This was probably a bad idea but I always got my scream if he tries to hurt me. I let out a sigh and watched as the vapor from my mouth rose in the air.

"What do you want, mortal."

I was too busy watching my breath rise into the air to notice the flame red and golden yellow eyes that stared at me. They seemed to study me. Pull everything about me apart and figure out a way to bring me down at any second. He probably already knew my weaknesses.

"Huh? Oh... Yeah! Who the he'll do you think you are threatening me? What the hell did I even do?" there was a deathly silent moment after I finished my mini rant, and that silence was killing me slowly. All he DID was stare into my soul.

"HA HA HA...!" he starts bursting out in laughter (imagine when Annie laughed before rampaging Sina from Attack on Titan) I just raised an eyebrow. Did he think this was funny?

But his laughter was honey dipped poison. I couldnt decide whether to be scarred or pissed at not being taken seriously

He charged at me and slammened me against the cold brick wall. His expression changed drastically to an evil glare. I felt like I was going to pass out soon under his dagger glaring gaze. Where's Kagami when you need him?

"Ha ha ha... You're really cute. So I'm going to say this once and one time only. You dare oppose me, the great red Emporer, I can not guarantee that your pretty little eyes will ever see the light of day again. In fact, the last thing you'll see is red. So be a good girl, and tell 'bae' to meet me at park Nigou after he takes you home. Ill be taking my leave if you have nothing else to say, little cub."

I shook my head slowly and waited for him to walk away from me so i can freak out without him being there. He smirked and ruffled my hair then walked off almost as if nothing happened. I finally dropped to my knees and held my head in my hands. How the hell did he know i was here with Kise? How did he even know to call me 'little cub'? Even Kise doesnt know that nickname that was gaven to me by my family.

The rest of my night went by in a blurr. i couldnt really focus in anything and was zoning out every five seconds. Kise took me home and i told him what the Emporer said to tell him. He kinda got startled by the mention of the title and quickly tryed to get to the meeting place. Kagami asked what was wrong when i didnt eat ( favorite food) and i told him im not up for telling him and went to bed listening to him talk to me and try and comfort me through the door.

he really is a good brother


Dear Mama,

The attacks are starting again

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