Luck is not on your side

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Dear Mama,

After barely getting over the attacks, theyre starting right back up again. And its scaring me. I wanna tell Taiga but im afraid ill be under house arrest for the entirety of Highschool. Pleasa help me in some way. i know its pointless asking you but please just this once. Help me and Taiga. My only thoughts are to call an old friend. Hopefully hell help me some how.

Sincerely, little cub (name)


I layed in bed the next morning trying to make up excuses in my head of why i shouldnt get out of bed. But in the back of my head were thoughts of Taiga and how he would be worried. I shut my eyes finally deciding to go back to bed. Then I was woken up by Kagami being a dork and talking to me through the door like I was in quarantine or something.

"Little Cub, I'm super worried about you. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and call for some help" wait... Kagami called for help? " (Name), Midorima is coming over."

My eyes shot wide open and I became wide awake in record time. "What the hell Bakagami?!" how long do i have?"

"He said hed be over right away..." RING RING MUTHA FUCKA "Hes here (name)!"

I practically fell out of my bed. I quickly threw on some (Favorite color) basket ball shorts and brushed my (Hair Length) (Hair Color) back into a bun. i quickly composed myself before walking out of my room lazily and rubbing the sleep outta my eyes. i even added a fake yawn to tell the carrot 'i will fall asleep if you talk about Oh Asa.'. He stood in the living room with Taiga glaring at him.

"Drop the act (name) come sit down i need to talk to you." i sighed and walked to sit down with my shoulders slumped down. but before i sat down, i turned around and ran to give Shintaro a hug.


" No no no no no no no no. Get off of me nandayo!" he said looking away from me and trying to hide the 50 shades of red that covered his face. He is such a Tsundere.

"Your telling me something but your face says something else." i said letting go and pouting. i went and sat down on my couch in MY spot and crossed my arms sticking my tounge out at him.

"Now that youre settled down." he paused to push up his glasses and give me his full on 'ill kill you if you interupt me' glare. "whats wrong?"

I looked nervously over at Taiga and saw him messing with his stupid fork eyebrows in the mirror. "Only if he leaves." i said pointing at Taiga. Shintaro sighed and grabbed out his phone and texted someone. a few seconds after he shut the phone, Kagami's stupid 'weed circulation' ring tone went off (ima put the ringtone on the side cuz it is HA-LARIOUS). He paused fixing his eyebrow and opened his phone. Then he looked at me and went to go grab his basketball. i watched him the whole way as he walked out without a word.

Shintaro sighed and took off his glasses. He did a little hair flip and then looked at me. NOOO! HE LOOKS HAWT WITHOUT HIS GLASSES!!

"Continue..." i blinked three times before finally starting my story



¥¥¥¥¥ Kagami ¥¥¥¥¥

(point of view change for once in a while and because im a jerk and dont want to tell you all the story)

"Oi Ahomine! Im here! Lets play so i can beat your perverted ass!" I shouted to the tanned boy.

"Lets go then pansy. ive been itching to see what supposed 'skill' you have.

Aomine and i started a one on one match. The rules were first to ten and the winner gets bragging rights and gets to dare the other to do anything. Aomine and i were pretty close in points, but i could tell he wasnt giving it his complete best. Thar scares me to know because im struggling against him now.

It was finally 9-9 and it was his ball. He smirked and stepped back. I stared in awe as he sucessfully accomplished one of his formless shots. My eyes started twitching in both shock and anger. I knew if i was ever gonna stand a chance against the Kiseki no Sedai's ace, i was definetly going to need to train ten times harder. Aomine walked over to me and bend down on his knees smirking. He lifted his hand and ruffled my hair like i was some kid. I quickly brushed it away and we stood up in sync.

"So about that dare" I glared at him knowing he is going to make me so embarssed i would have to move back to America if i was lucky. "You have a sister right?" This caught me by surprise and my eyes grew ten times bigger. How did he know.


"No use in lying now. i ran into her in the elevator the other day. She's really sexy."My eyebrows started twitching again in annoyance of how he talks about my sister in front of me, and he knows damn well that im annoyed. " I saw that she likes to wear black under that skin tight uniform of hers, and the skirt can make a man fall to there knees." Oh fuck no.

"YOU STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SISTER! YOU DARE HURT HER THAN YOU BETTER HAVE A DEATH WISH." He stepped up closer to me and  put his hands infront of his chest.

"I wouldnt dream of hurting a hair on her pretty little head. In fact, i wanna do just the opposite. She is way too cute and inocent like for just one guy to protect. You know now a days guys go after girls like her daily."

"I can protect her myself perfectly fine. I have been doing this for years!"

"Sure. Okay. Lets pretend you protect her the least bit. I still want you, as my one dare, to ask her out for me and not get in anyway of our relationship. I want you to do this in exactly one week." He said ans then walked away waving bye.

I simply gritted my teeth and punched the chain link fence out of anger in knowing the fact that i HAVE to do this because i am a man of my word.


Dear Mama,

What have i done

Sincerly, Taiga

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